




  如 twelve (12), eight twenty (8:20), nine forty-five (9:45)






  如:8:00可读作eight o’clock或eight







  如:6:10读作ten past six.


  如:7:30可读作seven thirty 或 half past seven.

  3、如果分钟数超过30,则用“(60-分钟数)+ to +(钟点数 + 1)”来表示,介词to 为“差”的意思。

  如:6:35读作twenty-five to seven (差二十五分钟到七点)

  在“倒读法”中,当分钟数涉及到“15分钟”时,一般不用fifteen,而用a quarter(一刻钟)来表示。

  如:10:15读作a quarter past ten (一般不读 fifteen past ten)


  (15分钟又叫一刻钟:a quarter)

  9:15 - nine fifteen ; fifteen past nine ; a quarter past nine

  3:45 - three forty-five ; fifteen to four ; a quarter to four


  It's almost two. 马上到两点了。

  It's not quite two. 还不到两点。

  It's just after two. 刚过两点。

  注:若想表明是上午,可在时间后加上a.m.,如:thirteen past six a.m.(上午六点十三分)。

  若想表明是下午,可在时间后加上p.m.,如:four o'clock p.m.(下午四点)。


  1.In time for……及时到……/做……

  If you go now, you will be in time for the meeting.

  2.On time:准时的

  “Don't go to the examination late. Make sure you are on time.”考试不要去迟了,要确保准时(到达)。

  3.Kill time:消磨时间

  “While waiting for my turn to do something, I often read something to kill time.”

  4.Buy time:争取时间

  “There are ten seconds left, but Jordan carried the ball steadily to buy time instead of passing it out.”

  5.by the time (that)到...的时候

  By the time we got there, the train had left ten minutes ago.

  6.From time to time:偶尔

  “They visited us from time to time, but we have never been to their hourse.”

  7.At times:有时

  “life as a spinster or bachelor is care-free, but the problem is that he or she may feel lonely at times.”

  8.In no time:很快地

  “The police caught a thief and sent him to prison in no time.

  9.Time's up:时间到了

  “Time's up. Stop writing and hand in your answer books now.”

  10.Time and again:屡次

  “Motorists were warned time and again not to throw rubbish from their cars.”

  11.Time alone will tell:时间可以证明一切

  “No one is certain if it is wise to emigrate to the West; time alone will tell.”

  12.At the best of times:当情况最佳时

  “Samuel's Mandarin is not good at the best of times, not to mention when he has to speak if impromptu.”

  13.out of time/ behind the time:不合时宜的,不合拍,过时的

  “Mum,my sweater is out of style, could you buy me a new one?”

  14.Move / keep up with the times:赶上时代

  “Some people's mode of thinking is outdated. They should try to move with the times so as to better fit in the present society.”



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