需要发表论文的朋友要记住了:文章不能一图多用,或者盗用别人的图片,也不能大段抄袭文章的字段。出了上面的情况,往往文章都是会被拒稿的。像这篇文章:Retraction Note: Inhibition of miR-296-5p protects the heart from cardiac hypertrophy by targeting CACNG6 就被主编撤掉了。下面的截图来源于官网:

The Editor-in-Chief has retracted this article [1] due to concerns regarding the figures and the underlying data. The authors informed the journal that they have not been able to reproduce the results presented in the article. Further investigation found significant text overlap with an article by different authors that was simultaneously under consideration at the same time at another journal [2]. Additionally, there appear to be overlapping figures between the two articles:
The bottom left two panels of Fig. 4f of [1] appear to be identical to the bottom left and bottom right panels of Fig. 2b of [2].
The TAC panel in Fig. 4g of [1] TAC image appears to be a reflection (yaxis) of the TAC+control in Fig. 4g of [1].
The data reported in this article are therefore unreliable. ChangSheng Ma agrees with this retraction (TK: assuming he doesn’t object too much about sticking with the notice as i). The other authors have not responded to correspondence regarding this retraction.
Wang W, Liu N, Xin L. et al. Inhibition of miR-296-5p protects the heart from cardiac hypertrophy by targeting CACNG6. Gene Ther. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41434-019-0109-0.
Xu L, Wang H, Jiang F, Sun H, Zhang D. LncRNA AK045171 protects the heart from cardiac hypertrophy by regulating the SP1/MG53 signalling pathway. Aging. 2020;12:3126–39. https://doi.org/10.18632/aging.102668.