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Disney has found its Mulan.
Chinese actress Liu Yifei, also known as Crystal Liu, has scored the title role in the live-action version of "Mulan," Disney confirmed to CNN.
The movie, which is set to be released in 2019, is based on the 1998 animated feature film that grossed more than $300 million worldwide.
The live-action remake of Disney’s Mulan finally has its titular character.
After a worldwide search that reportedly screened nearly 1,000 candidates for the role, the filmmakers have settled on Chinese actor Liu Yifei, also known as Crystal Liu.
Disney has picked Chinese actor Liu Yifei to play Mulan in an upcoming film, following accusations against Hollywood of 'whitewashing'.
The live-action adaptation of the 1998 animated movie will tell the tale of the famed Chinese heroine Hua Mulan.
Several Hollywood films have faced criticism in recent months for featuring white actors in Asian roles.

score 得分;得到
live-action 真人(电影)
animated feature film 动画长片
remake 重拍;翻拍(电影)
titular 标题中的
screen 筛选
filmmaker 电影制作人
settle on 选定
accusation 谴责
adaptation 改编
famed 著名的