雅思口语 travel

stick around 留下来

e.g.  I was deeply impressed by the picturesque scenery, say blooming flowers and rippling water or something like that, so I made up my mind to stick around.


venture off the beaten path  (旅行中)到人迹罕至的地方去

e.g.  In order to have an enjoyable experience, I came up with an idea that we should venture off the beaten path with a couple of friends.


make sb. more tolerant and open-minded 让某人对不同的事物更加包容

e.g.  Traveling abroad makes us more tolerant and open-minded by discovering new ways of thinking and different lifestyles.


jet lag 时差

e.g.  After weary passengers go back home, they just want to sleep off the jet lag.


deepen mutual understanding 加深相互了解

e.g.  International tourism is a major contributor to international peace and deepens mutual understanding among nations


be considered to be offensive 被认为是冒犯别人的

e.g. You are allowed to be exposed to foreign culture, for example whether a gesture is considered to be offensive or not, such as a hug or a kiss.


travel light 旅行时只携带轻便行李

e.g.  I prefer to travel light especially when I plan to climb a mountain.


