【GEO solar term exhibitions】15 photos to capture jīngzhéThanks to the adorable people who find beauty.
与之前节气摄影系列推送相似,题图用ppt添加了位置示意,地图截取自:Similar to previous posts of solar terms, I use ppt to add locations, the map source:https://map.tianditu.gov.cnGEO惊蛰摄影展邀请你从照片中看见'新'世界The GEO jīngzhé photography exhibitioninvites you to see the world 'anew' from photos
source: Powered by Oxford Dictionaries · Bing Translator这个展览的传统是纬度从北向南,希望是越来越暖的。如果是同一个地方,是根据时间早晚来的,让你也可以在阅读中看到时间的流逝。The exhibition tradition is to present works from north to south latitude, hoping you get warmer and warmer. If the same place, then it is based on the time from early to late, wishing you feel the how time flies.考虑到摄影师的隐私,你看见的经纬度不是照片拍摄的地点,而是输入地方名字后谷歌搜索出来的结果。In view of the photographers' privacy, the longtitudes and latitudes you see are not the exact locations of where the photos are taken, they are Google search results of the places.英国 伦敦 51.5074° N, 0.1278° W中国 北京 39.9042° N, 116.4074°山西 太原 37.8706° N, 112.5489° E山东 郓城 35.5998° N, 115.9436° E河南 新乡 35.3037° N, 113.9268° E江苏 宜兴 31.3406° N, 119.8233° E江苏 苏州 31.2990° N, 120.5853° E中国 上海 31.2304° N, 121.4737° E四川 达州 31.2096° N, 107.4680° E浙江 安吉 30.6387° N, 119.6804° E浙江 温州 27.9938° N, 120.6994° E广西 柳州 24.3263° N, 109.4286° E广东 深圳 22.5431° N, 114.0579° E1英国 伦敦 51.5074° N, 0.1278° W
igneous rocks are consisted of extrusive rocks and intrusive rocks, in short, rock15:36今天虽然没有春雷和雨水,但是终于拥有了一整天的好天气。制作了蜂蜜柠檬,阳光照射进来,看着这些明亮的色彩,真是拥有了好心情!Although there is no spring thunder or rain,it is the nice weather after several cloudy days.I marinate lemon slices with honeywhen the sun shines warmly.These bright colours always bring about a good mood.(translated by rock herself)8-3
16:10上海南站旁尚未开工的工地Construction site near Shanghai South Railway Satation, not yet back to work陶理(策展人&编辑&翻译)的碎碎念:即使是生活在同一个城市,但不同的心境、年龄等诸多要素还是会让人有不同的感受。我们对许多事许多人不用比较优劣,多呈现一些即可。Hermione (Curator&editor&translator) has something to say:Even people live in the same city, but different mood, age and many other factors can make people feel differently. We do not need to say good or bad to everything or everyone, just let them present.9四川 达州 31.2096° N, 107.4680° E