

Among the pranic substances there are a few vegetables which are very highly, highly pranic. It will bring you enormous amount of energy, at the same time it keeps your nerves very, very calm. All these things are relevant only for those people who are constantly striving how to better their life, how to perform little better, how to open up another dimension of life.


This Superfood Can Enhance Your Intellect


Sadhguru: In the yogic culture, we classify foods into three categories positive pranic food, negative pranic food and zero pranic food. Positive prana means it adds a certain pranic energy to the system when you consume. Negative prana takes away energy from the system. Zero neither adds nor takes away, it's eaten for taste and lethargy.


So, if you eat positive pranic food, energy will reverberate in a dynamic way. Particularly some of the things which are very, very positive are the ash gourd. The ash gourd is very, very highly positive. You… I think these days you’re only hanging it in front of your house or breaking at three corners of the road and giving it to the buffalo but you’re not eating it. No, this is to be eaten.


Because the vegetable has such high pranic energy, you put it in front of your home so that there is nice energy. But if there is so much energy to it, isn’t it good to put it into you? It’s good to put it into you especially if you consume... there are many experiments on this.


If you consume a glass of ash gourd juice every day, the number of cancerous cells in your body will dramatically come down, and you will see clearly the sharpness of your intellect will enhance itself. Especially children must drink ash gourd juice. Daily consumption of ash gourd, you will see distinctly your mind seems to be clearer and sharper. This will be noticeable within a few weeks of consumption of ash gourd.


You will see morning you drink coffee, it gives you energy with agitation. You drink a glass of ash gourd juice, it gives you enormous amount of energy - at the same time it keeps you very, very calm. One should consume it as much as you can.


But those of you who are asthmatic, who are susceptible to colds and coughs, such people if you consume ash gourd juice, you may immediately have colds, because it cools the system. So if such a problem is there, such people should always add a little bit of honey or pepper to ash gourd juice and consume it. This will neutralize the cooling effect of the ash gourd to some extent.


When we were eating for survival we ate whatever we could lay our hands on. Now that we have choices, we have to choose what’s best for the body. If we don’t choose like this, then we will somehow live and go. All these things are relevant only for those people who are constantly striving how to better their life, how to perform little better, how to open up another dimension of life.If these concerns are there, then what kind of food or fuel you put into this machine is very, very important.


· 冬瓜一节
· 柠檬汁
· 胡椒
· 盐
1. 将冬瓜去籽,脱皮,切成小块。
2. 将切好的冬瓜块放入搅拌机打碎。如果没有搅拌机可以将冬瓜擦成细丝备用。
3. 用过滤器滤出冬瓜汁倒入杯子。
4. 在冬瓜汁里加入适量柠檬汁、盐、胡椒、搅拌均匀即可饮用。


