The £68,000 lynx fur coat was billed as “the pinnacle of trend-setting bravery”.

The Harvey Nichols website insisted that its “raw power” would “inspire longing glances . . . bathing the wearer in an aura of luxurious self-assurance”.
The only trouble was that neither the department store nor Lilly e Violetta, the Italian fur brand, could prove whether the coat, made from the carcasses of a rare, threatened species, was legal.

Harvey Nichols pulled the coat from sale and vowed to stop stocking the brand, worn by celebrities including Kendall Jenner, after The Times challenged its provenance.
The elusive lynx is a protected species, with many of its populations hunted to the brink of extinction.
Of the four types, the Iberian lynx is critically endangered, the Eurasian lynx is being reintroduced after being almost wiped out across Europe, and the bobcat is making a fragile recovery in North America after extensive hunting.

The Canada lynx, which roams the forests from Alaska down the Rocky Mountains to New Mexico, is allowed to be sold in the UK only if a trader has a permit to export and import them and can prove that the pelts came from captive animals raised in licensed fur farms.
The Nicoletta coat was advertised by Harvey Nichols as being of the “purest Montana lynx fur”, suggesting that it was in this fourth category.
But Lilly e Violetta, whose other furs have been worn by Jennifer Lopez and Amal Clooney, declined to say whether its lynx had been farmed or trapped.

The brand failed to provide evidence of the permit, required by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.
If the fur was obtained legally it would probably have come from one of Montana’s few fur farms, where caged lynx are kept amid local opposition.
There are thought to be fewer than 250 wild lynx left in the US state.
They are protected by law.
The only legal way to source lynx fur from the state is from a farm, where the predators, which are used to roaming territories of up to 400 square kilometres, are confined to small cages.

Matthew Bishop, a Montana attorney who works on lynx conservation, said: “I suspect 99 per cent of the public has no clue that lynx are being raised for fur.
“It’s an ugly industry that works hard to keep a low profile.”
The farming of lynx is so unusual that Mike Moser, chief executive of the British Fur Trade Association, had never heard of it.
“I’ve been in fur farms across five continents and I’ve never seen a lynx,” he said.
“It’s not a breed that lends itself to farming.”
Mr Moser said that it was more ethical to trap wild lynx as long as the trappers acted “in harmony with the environment”.

Lynx are so threatened in Montana, because of logging and climate change, that a trapper who catches one, even accidentally, must report it immediately or risk a criminal penalty.
Mike Garrity, of the environmental group Alliance for the Wild Rockies, said: “If you 'accidentally’ trap one in the middle of nowhere, the incentive is to not report it and keep the lynx, which can be worth a lot of money.
“Anyone who wears a lynx fur coat is reprehensible.”

The dwindling numbers of the lynx, however, did not deter Ms Jenner from wearing the coat in 2016 for the launch of her clothing line.
Lilly e Violetta, which claims to be “committed to reliability based on transparency and trustworthiness and sustainably based on respect for people, the planet and animal welfare”, declined to answer questions about the coat.
Harvey Nichols said that the brand had signed a form, promising to adhere to ethical sourcing principles.
The store confirmed yesterday that it would no longer be stocking any products made by Lilly e Violetta.
It claimed that no coats had been sold and that it had not profited from any commissions.


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