
When humpback whales migrated to Glacier Bay in Alaska this year to spend the long summer days feeding, they arrived to something unusual: quieter waters.


As the COVID-19 pandemic slows international shipping and keeps cruise ships docked, scientists are finding measurably less noise in the ocean.


That could provide momentary relief for whales and other marine mammals that are highly sensitive to noise.


Through networks of underwater hydrophones, scientists are hoping to learn how the mammals' communication changes when the drone of ships is turned down, potentially informing new policies to protect them.


"More needs to be done," says Jason Gedamke, who manages the ocean acoustics program at NOAA Fisheries.


"When you have animals that for millions of years have been able to communicate over vast distances in the ocean, and then once we introduce noise and have increased sound levels and they can't communicate over those distances, clearly there's going to be some impact there."


While many scientists have canceled field work this year because of the pandemic, wildlife biologists in Glacier Bay National Park have kept it up by taking solo boat trips to track the humpback population.


The data they collect --counting and identifying whales — continues record-keeping that goes back 35 years.


"One of the groups is a mother and calf," says wildlife biologist Christine Gabriele, as she watches whales surface on a cool May morning.


"Our seventh for the year. So that's really good news."


These humpbacks are still recovering from a stretch of bad years when few calves were born.


In the Pacific, warmer ocean temperatures known as "the blob" dramatically disrupted the food web.


This year, the signs are more encouraging.


Gabriele can tell because she recognizes individual whales, especially the ones that have been returning for decades.


"They're really homebodies," she says.


"They go back to the same feeding spots year after year."


But below the surface, Gabriele and her colleagues are learning far more with a hydrophone, continually recording the underwater soundscape.


Humpbacks are a chatty bunch.


In addition to their well-known, melodious songs, they make "whups" and other noises, either to coordinate feeding or simply to stay in touch with each other.


Sound can travel for miles underwater, sometimes hundreds of miles, much farther than a whale can see.


"Whales use sound in almost every aspect of their daily life," she says.


"Studying the underwater sound environment is really important because it helps us see the world the way the whales actually use it."


The whales also share Glacier Bay with cruise ships, boats and catamarans, which are regulated to limit their numbers.


When vessel noise is loud, Gabriele and her colleagues found that the whales have to accommodate it, a lot like people would at a loud party.


"In order to communicate with each other, they might have to be close together," she says.


"They might have to repeat themselves. Or they might have to wait for a quieter moment before they start vocalizing."


But this year, boat traffic has been way down.


"It's much quieter," Gabriele says.


"Just by listening to it you can tell."


An analysis from Cornell University found the loudest sounds underwater in Glacier Bay in May 2020 were less than half as loud as those in May 2018.


So, Gabriele and her team are eagerly listening to humpback calls to see how they might change.


"The pandemic has created this unexpected opportunity for science, kind of a once in a lifetime chance to look at whale communication behavior in its natural, undisturbed form," Gabriele says.









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