雅思口语 | Part1难题: Photo

1 looks a bit blurry 看起来有点模糊

The picture looks a bit blurry. 这张照片看着有点模糊。

2 looks sharp and clear 看起来很清晰

The photo looks sharp and clear. 这张照片看起来很清晰。

3 camera-shy 不爱照相的

I was really camera-shy, so my facial expressions were kind of unnatural. 我这人不爱照相,所以我的表情有一点不太自然。

4 a selfie stick 自拍杆

I took this photo with a selfie stick. 我用自拍杆拍了这张照片。

5 adjust the aperture to maintain correct exposure 调整以获得正确曝光

My mum adjusted the aperture to maintain correct exposure. 我妈妈调整光圈以获得正确曝光。

6 pose for photographs 摆姿势拍照

I posed for photographs when she was about to press the shutter.当她准备按下快门的时候,我摆了个姿势拍照。

