
对阿尔茨海默病 (AD) 的新研究表明,继发性感染和新的炎症事件会放大大脑的免疫反应并影响小鼠和人类的记忆——即使这些继发性事件发生在大脑之外。

科学家们认为,由于 AD 引起的炎症,关键的脑细胞(星形胶质细胞和小胶质细胞)已经处于活跃状态,这项新研究表明,继发性感染会在这些细胞中引发过度反应,从而产生连锁反应。对大脑节律和认知的影响。

在这项刚刚发表在 阿尔茨海默病协会期刊Alzheimer’s & Dementia的研究中,经过改造以显示 AD 特征的小鼠暴露于急性炎症事件中,以观察对脑部炎症、神经元网络功能和记忆的下游影响。


尽管很难在患者身上复制这些发现,但该研究还表明,死于急性全身感染的 AD 患者的大脑中 IL-1β 水平升高,IL-1β 是一种促炎分子,对引起增强的免疫反应和新的免疫反应很重要。在 AD 小鼠中看到的起始中断。

三一生物化学与免疫学学院和三一生物医学科学研究所副教授 Colm Cunningham 领导了这项研究。他说:

“阿尔茨海默病是最常见的痴呆症,影响了超过 5% 的 60 岁以上人群,这种令人痛苦、虚弱的疾病给全球大量人带来了困难。我们对这种疾病及其进展了解得越多,我们治疗患者的机会就越大。我们相信我们的工作在几个方面增加了这个知识库。首先,我们表明受阿尔茨海默氏症影响的大脑更容易受到急性炎症事件的影响,即使它们发生在大脑之外。
将其置于 AD 缓慢发展的背景下,我们提出,现在在多个细胞群中看到的这些过敏反应可能导致老年患者急性疾病后的负面结果,包括谵妄发作和认知轨迹加速在痴呆之前或期间出现谵妄的患者中已经观察到了这一点。”

Acute systemic inflammation exacerbates neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's disease: IL-1β drives amplified responses in primed astrocytes and neuronal network dysfunction


Neuroinflammation contributes to Alzheimer's disease (AD) progression. Secondary inflammatory insults trigger delirium and can accelerate cognitive decline. Individual cellular contributors to this vulnerability require elucidation. Using APP/PS1 mice and AD brain, we studied secondary inflammatory insults to investigate hypersensitive responses in microglia, astrocytes, neurons, and human brain tissue. The NLRP3 inflammasome was assembled surrounding amyloid beta, and microglia were primed, facilitating exaggerated interleukin-1β (IL-1β) responses to subsequent LPS stimulation. Astrocytes were primed to produce exaggerated chemokine responses to intrahippocampal IL-1β. Systemic LPS triggered microglial IL-1β, astrocytic chemokines, IL-6, and acute cognitive dysfunction, whereas IL-1β disrupted hippocampal gamma rhythm, all selectively in APP/PS1 mice. Brains from AD patients with infection showed elevated IL-1β and IL-6 levels. Therefore, amyloid leaves the brain vulnerable to secondary inflammation at microglial, astrocytic, neuronal, and cognitive levels, and infection amplifies neuroinflammatory cytokine synthesis in humans. Exacerbation of neuroinflammation to produce deleterious outcomes like delirium and accelerated disease progression merits careful investigation in humans.

