
Using fish skin to heal burns can be cheaper and less painful than traditional bandages and child patients are particularly keen to have scales like the superhero Aquaman’s, researchers say.


They used tilapia skin, a by-product of the food industry, on burns victims.


“Initially the patients were frightened by the idea of using the skin of a fish in their body. The major concerns were whether the skins would subsequently come off, if the fish odour would remain,” Felipe Rocha, a researcher on the team from the Federal University of Ceara in Brazil, said.


“With the passage of time and the success of the research, the patients already arrive at the hospital wanting the treatment with the skin of the tilapia.In relation to children the skin ends up being kind of playful, like: 'Gaining a skin and looking like a superhero’.”


More than 300 patients have used the treatment.


The fish skin contains large amounts of moisture and a type of collagen protein at comparable levels to human skin, which the researchers said prevented scarring and promoted healing.


It is processed using a patented method and sterilised before being used.


Scales are removed, but their pattern remains.


Preclinical research found that it was more resistant than pig skin and able to withstand stress such as stretching.


Unpublished research that has been presented at conferences found that wounds treated with the fish skin closed more quickly and patients reported less pain and needed fewer changes of dressing than others treated with silver sulfadiazine, a traditional treatment.


This cut treatment costs by more than 60 per cent, the researchers said.


The team is looking at what could explain the human body’s biological response to the fish skin.


It believes bioactive peptides released in the healing process may interact with the patient’s immune system to prevent rejection.


Dr Rocha said: “The idea came from plastic surgeon Dr Marcelo Borges, who, reading a newspaper in the city of Recife about the use of tilapia skin to produce bags, belts and shoes, he asked himself: 'If this skin has the strength and sensitivity needed to make accessories, could it not be used to replace human skin in the treatment of burns?’ ”


He said that tilapia skin could stay in place without needing to be changed for ten to 11 days on second degree burns.


Carlos Roberto Koscky Paier, who presented the idea at the World Innovation Summit for Health in Doha last month, said that fish farmers had been happy to provide the skin free once they noticed “the medical and humanitarian impact of the project and because of the possibility of finding a productive purpose for tilapia skin”.





