今天我们读美国诗人威廉.斯塔夫德(William Stafford)的诗:《问我》
Some time when the river is ice, ask memistakes I have made. Ask me whetherwhat I have done is my life. Othershave come in their slow way intomy thought, and some have tried to helpor to hurt: ask me what differencetheir strongest love or hate has made.I will listen to what you say.You and I can turn and lookat the silent river and wait. We knowthe current is there, hidden; and thereare comings and goings from miles awaythat hold the stillness exactly before us.What the river says, that is what I say.尤其是最后两句。两个诗人在诗中呈现的意象都是:天地之间,江河之畔,诗人回顾人生,眼前孤独沉凝的景物即是他们对人生的总结。而且两首诗都写得异常自然,没有突兀、生僻、造作的词语,能够同时融合景象、情感和哲理,丰富含蓄,让人一读再读,一想再想。这是我心中最好的那一类诗。诗人威廉.斯塔夫德(William Stafford) (1914-1993)美国诗人、和平主义者。早年当过甜菜种植工、电工学徒、炼油工和建筑工,之后在堪萨斯大学和艾奥瓦大学学习,并获得博士学位,二十世纪四十年代末,他开始在俄勒岗州波特兰市的一所大学任教,后来还在亚洲多个国家讲学。1970年被任命为美国国会图书馆的诗歌顾问。