
Establishing an Intimate Relationship with Tao
Lv Yan
Preface and Commentator’s Note:
For ages, out of the instinctive terror against Death and theirresistible impulse to Immortality, people have always beensearching for the elixir which is expected to keep people healthyand youthful or even to the extent to stave off the ravages fromall illnesses until to Death. Unfortunately, all endeavors haveseemingly come to a futile end like squaring the circle. It hasalmost become the truth for the human being that no one couldescape from the realm of Azrael. Perhaps I have to tell you thereis no hurry to make such conclusion. As far as I know there is amysterious person whose science of Immortality is so unfathomablethat he had overcome Azrael by smashing the solid door of Deathwith his super-elixir.
    If you are ahistorian or study the history of China, you probably note aphenomenon that a strong belief or cult to Lv Yan,the most famousImmortal in Chinese myth, has been lingering around China,accompanying various folk legends or sacred deeds about himsomewhere or sometime, no matter how much time goes by. In fact, Lvis a real person in Tang dynasty. Until now, some historians whostudy Taoism even considered he may really become an Immortal. Themysterious person, who was once awarded the title of Jinshi as acandidate due to his successful achievement in the highest imperialexaminations and later as a county magistrate, had been studyingthe method of Immortality. One day he suddenly quit his positionand live in solitude as like a hermit and was indulged in pursuingTao persistently and diligently up to reaching its summit, makinghis Kungfu of Tao so subtle, incredible and miraculous that somepeople then believed he eventually translated into an Immortal, akind of superman who is described ideally by Chinese in mythlegend. He was so proficient in the science of immortality thatnobody is expected to exceed him by far.
If you are acquainted with Classical Chinese writings, you will beastonished to find there are some poems titled Lv Yan. Though thereserved works titled Lv are numerous, there are few mastersmajoring in the science of Immortality who could discern theauthentic works from the fake ones. But I shall offer people a goodopportunity to peep at the odd bits of Lv’s inscrutable science ofTao. I studied Lv’s works for 2 decades, so I distinguished someauthentic poems from all those fakes titled Lv and tried to figureout their abstruse enigmas. However, the meaning of his ancientpoems is so obscure and unintelligible that no one has tried toexplain them in traditional Chinese or modern Chinese, not tomention translating them to the English version. However, I stilldecided to pick up a poem randomly and tried to translate it inmodern English.
This is my first trial to translate, narrate, and explain a poem ofLv for the foreign readers with a special affinity to Tao. Pleaseappreciate and cherish the following poem of Lv titled Establishingan Intimate Relationship with Tao.

I am fascinated with Tao so crazily as if he is mysole intimate that I couldn’t part with him even amoment.
Comment: Immortal Lv hereby wants to convey, if one dreams topractice Inner Alchemy and sublimate himself into an immortal, heshould first make firm decision to become a spiritual superman witha strong will as like making a rope out of sand, to endure numeroustribulations yet still remain confident in success, to give up allmortal’s desires and lusts and gradually cultivate Taoist feelingsor moods to meet the requirement of pursuing Tao, which is a quietsalubrious state of spirit, and to persist in it untilsuccess.
So it is favorable to diligently extract Supernal Elixir like fineGold from invisible Water of life, which is the only truthful wayto reach the Sacred Heaven of Immortal before passing through therugged path of Hell.
Comment: the above bold phrase is a special terms of the science ofimmortality containing ancient Chinese philosophy which is soprofound and elusive that almost all modern or ancient Chinesepeople couldn’t understand it, even for the experts or mastersmajoring in Taoism, it is also very difficult for them toaccurately grasp it. Perhaps I could interpret it in such words: ifyou are determined to become a supernatural being from a fragilemortal life, you shall have to genetically remove all lethal wartof mortal life, which has been co-existing in human life fromgeneration to generation, as well as try to acquire tenaciously thesuper-elixir as fine as sand from Tao by operating the mysticalknow-how, which is deemed as the most secret core of Taoism and ischerished by Immortal with its value weighting over a mountain ofpure gold.
On the moment when the accomplishment of my super-elixir, the onlya bit pity I am concerned about is the reality that the universewhere the mortal inhabits become so narrow for me; while aftertaking the super-elixir, I shall never be worried about anydiseases or disasters inflicted on the mortal.
Comment: Immortal Lv hereby narrated the function of super-elixirand the magic realm after Sage-being-in-Tao in a way of metaphor.It is certain that when knocking the door of Immortality open withthe help of the mysteriously powerful super-elixir, you shallbecome the master of your fate.
Until now I have been qualified to enter into the immortal world inTao, but it is no hurry to do that because I want to saunter aroundthe human world concealing my identity of Divinity while disguisingas a mortal, so I am at ease with sipping Nectar wine during thesame time tipsily composing my poetry.
Comment: the intention of Lv’s such behavior is subjectivelyinterpreted by some masters of Taoism and the faithful followersthat Lv actually wants to look for suitable talents or geniuseswith a special affinity for Tao who are worthy of imparting thescience of Tao. Obviously an Immortal of Sage-being-in-Tao haspermanently been in a state of unimaginable and quiet joy whichmankind shall never understand and experience, beyond all agoniesor sufferings from the realistic world as well as all afflictionsof feelings as mankind. Furthermore, the divine scent of Immortalidentity shall scare Azrael and the evil of illness far away, so anImmortal can perch at ease on the world of mortal at hisdiscretion.



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