揭阳市MedAccred _AC8121电子电缆和线束组件的审核标准 (39)
19.2.1 P- Who performed the rework?YES/NO
19.2.2 P- Reverification of product following rework?YES/NO
19.2.3 P- Description of rework performed? YES/NO
19.2.4 P- Location of rework?YES/NO
19.2.5 P- Number of reworks per location if required?YES/NO
19.3 P- When performing a rework, are there procedures which define the following:YES/NO
19.3.1 P- Methods?YES/NO
19.3.2 P- Equipment?YES/NO
19.3.3 P- Tools? YES/NO
19.3.4 P- Materials, to be used?YES/NO
19.3.5 P- Subsequent processes after rework including cleaning if required, inspection, test and/or other verification?YES/NO
19.4 P- Are there procedures to define the authorization for the performance of rework based upon the type of rework and the stage within the build sequence where the nonconformity was identified?YES/NO
19.5 P- Are there procedures that define the maximum number of permitted reworks, if required by the customer?YES/NO/NA
19.6 P- If required by customer, does the procedure for rework include the customer specific requirements for rework methods, control and authorization?YES/NO/NA
19.7 P- If used, is there a procedure for the installation, removal, replacement and post replacement inspection of rivets as per the manufacturer’s specifications / customer requirements?YES/NO/NA