CAPL脚本中常用到的数据类型转换—— 字节数组(byte array)和整型(long,dword...

实际工作中,常常会遇到需要把 0x12345678 转为 arrary[4] = {0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78} 或者反过来转换,下面造了几个轮子方便使用。


  • 字节数组转为整型
    • byte array to dword
    • byte array to long
    • byte array to word
    • byte array to int
    • 测试代码:
    • 测试结果:
  • 整型转为字节数组
    • dword to byte array
    • word to byte array
    • 测试代码:
    • 测试结果:


byte array to dword

byte GBF_ConvertByteArrToDword(byte hexRawData[], byte length, dword& outDWord) { int i; byte retVal; if (length > 4) { retVal = gcNok; } else { retVal = gcOk; } outDWord = 0; for(i=0;i<length;i++) { outDWord = outDWord << 8; outDWord = outDWord + hexRawData[i]; } return retVal; }

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byte array to long

byte GBF_ConvertByteArrToLong(byte hexRawData[], byte length, long& outDWord)
   int i;
   byte retVal;
   if (length > 4)
      retVal = gcNok;
      retVal = gcOk;
   //reset output
   outDWord = 0;
      outDWord = outDWord << 8;
      outDWord = outDWord + hexRawData[i];
    //  outDWord= ~outDWord | 0x80;
   return retVal;
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byte array to word

byte GBF_ConvertByteArrToword(byte hexRawData[], byte length, word& outWord) { int i; byte retVal; if (length > 2) { retVal = gcNok; } else { retVal = gcOk; } //reset output outWord = 0; for(i=0;i<length;i++) { outWord = outWord << 8; outWord = outWord + hexRawData[i]; } return retVal; }

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byte array to int

byte GBF_ConvertByteArrToword(byte hexRawData[], byte length, int& outWord)
   int i;
   byte retVal;
   if (length > 2)
      retVal = gcNok;
      retVal = gcOk;
   //reset output
   outWord = 0;
      outWord = outWord << 8;
      outWord = outWord + hexRawData[i];
   return retVal;
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{ byte in_byte_array[4]={0x10,0x20,0x30,0x40}; long out_long; dword out_dword; word out_word; int out_int; GBF_ConvertByteArrToLong(in_byte_array,4,out_long); GBF_ConvertByteArrToDword(in_byte_array,4,out_dword); GBF_ConvertByteArrToword(in_byte_array,2,out_word); GBF_ConvertByteArrToInt(in_byte_array,2,out_int); write('out_long = 0x%x ',out_long); write('out_dword = 0x%x ',out_dword); write('out_word = 0x%x ',out_word); write('out_int = 0x%x ',out_int); }

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out_long = 0x10203040
out_dword = 0x10203040
out_word = 0x1020
out_int = 0x1020 

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dword to byte array

byte GBF_ConvertDWordToByteArr(dword rawData, byte outByteArr[]) { char tmpErrStr[255]; byte retOkNok; dword mask = 0x000000FF; //Mask for masking out one byte int i;、 const byte noOfBytes = 4; if (elcount(outByteArr)<noOfBytes ) //check that arraylength is at least 4 { snprintf(tmpErrStr, elcount (tmpErrStr), 'GBF_ConvertDWordToByteArr: ERROR: Length of byte array is to short: %d. Length must be at least %d', elcount(tmpErrStr), 4); write (tmpErrStr); write(tmpErrStr); retOkNok = gcNok; } else { retOkNok = gcOk; for(i=noOfBytes -1;i>=0;i--) { outByteArr[i] = rawData & mask; //Mask one byte and copy it to out array rawData = rawData >> 8; //Shift one byte } } return retOkNok; }

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word to byte array

byte GBF_ConvertWordToByteArr(word rawData, byte outByteArr[])
   char tmpErrStr[255];
   byte retOkNok;
   word mask = 0x00FF;      //Mask for masking out one byte
   int i;
   const byte noOfBytes = 2;
   if (elcount(outByteArr) < noOfBytes)    //check that arraylength is at least 2
      snprintf(tmpErrStr, elcount (tmpErrStr), 'GBF_ConvertWordToByteArr: ERROR: Length of byte array is to short: %d. Length must be at least %d', elcount(tmpErrStr), noOfBytes);
      write (tmpErrStr);
      retOkNok = gcNok;
      retOkNok = gcOk;
        for(i= noOfBytes-1;i>=0;i--)
         outByteArr[i] = rawData & mask;     //Mask one byte and copy it to out array
         rawData = rawData >> 8;             //Shift one byte
   return retOkNok;
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{ dword in_dword = 0x12345678; word in_word = 0x1234; byte out_byte_array_dword[4]; byte out_byte_array_word[2]; GBF_ConvertDWordToByteArr(in_dword,out_byte_array_dword); write('out_byte_array_dword ={0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x} ',out_byte_array_dword[0],out_byte_array_dword[1],out_byte_array_dword[2],out_byte_array_dword[3]); GBF_ConvertWordToByteArr(in_word,out_byte_array_word); write('out_byte_array_word ={0x%x,0x%x} ',out_byte_array_word[0],out_byte_array_word[1]); }

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out_byte_array_dword ={0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78}
out_byte_array_word ={0x12,0x34} 

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