
3.4.6.Ureteroscopy (URS) 

(retrograde and antegrade, RIRS)


The current standard for rigid ureteroscopes is a tip diameter of < 8 French (F). Rigid URS can be used for the whole ureter. However, technical improvements, as well as the availability of digital scopes, also favour the use of flexible ureteroscopes in the ureter.

目前标准的输尿管硬镜尖端直径<8 F。输尿管硬镜可用于整个输尿管。但是,随着技术的进步以及数字内镜的应用,在输尿管中也可使用输尿管软镜。

Percutaneous antegrade removal of ureteral stones is a consideration in selected cases, i.e. large (> 15 mm), impacted proximal ureteral calculi in a dilated renal collecting system, or when the ureter is not amenable to retrograde manipulation.

对于某些患者,即大型(> 15 mm)嵌顿性输尿管近端结石伴肾脏集合系统扩张,或输尿管不适合进行逆行操作,应考虑对输尿管结石进行经皮顺行性取石。

Ureteroscopy for renal stones (RIRS)


Technical improvements including endoscope miniaturisation, improved deflection mechanism, enhanced optical quality and tools, and introduction of disposables have led to an increased use of URS for both renal and ureteral stones. Major technological progress has been achieved for RIRS. A recent systematic review addressing renal stones > 2 cm showed a cumulative SFR of 91% with 1.45 procedures/patient; 4.5% of the complications were > Clavien 3. Digital scopes demonstrate shorter operation times due to the improvement in image quality.

随着内镜微型化、偏转性能提高、光学质量和工具有所改进以及一次性产品的应用等技术的进步,URS在肾结石和输尿管结石中的应用越来越多。RIRS已取得重大技术进步。最近一项针对> 2 cm肾结石的系统性回顾显示,每例患者1.45次手术的累积SFR为91%。4.5%的并发症为Clavien3级以上并发症。数字内镜由于图像质量更高,所以操作时间更短。

Stones that cannot be extracted directly must be disintegrated. If it is difficult to access stones within the lower renal pole that need disintegration; it may help to displace them into a more accessible calyx.


Best clinical practice in ureteroscopy


Most interventions are performed under general anaesthesia, although local or spinal anaesthesia is possible. Intravenous sedation is suitable for female patients with distal ureteral stones. Antegrade URS is an option for large, impacted, proximal ureteral calculi.


Safety aspects安全方面

Fluoroscopic equipment must be available in the operating room (OR). We recommend placement of a safety wire, even though some groups have demonstrated that URS can be performed without it. Balloon and plastic dilators should be available, if necessary.


Prior rigid URS can be helpful for optical dilatation followed by flexible URS, if necessary. If ureteral access is not possible, insertion of a JJ stent followed by URS after seven to fourteen days offers an alternative. Bilateral URS during the same session is feasible resulting in equivalent-to-lower SFRs, but slightly higher overall complication rates (mostly minor, Clavien I and II).

进行可视下扩张及输尿管软镜治疗时,如果有必要,先插入输尿管硬镜也许有帮助。如果无法进入输尿管,可先置入双J支架,7-14天后再行URS。同期手术中进行双侧URS是可行的,其SFR为同等至较低水平,但总体并发症发生率略高(多数为不严重的并发症,Clavien I和II级)。

Ureteral access sheaths输尿管输送鞘

Hydrophilic-coated ureteral access sheaths, which are available in different calibres (inner diameter from 9 F upwards), can be inserted (via a guide wire) with the tip placed in the proximal ureter.

可以(通过导丝)插入输尿管亲水涂层输送鞘,并将尖端插入输尿管近端,目前有各种口径的输送鞘(最小内径9 F)。

Ureteral access sheaths allow easy, multiple, access to the UUT and therefore significantly facilitate URS. The use of ureteral access sheaths improves vision by establishing a continuous outflow, decreases intra-renal pressure, and potentially reduces operating time.


The insertion of ureteral access sheaths may lead to ureteral damage, the risk is lowest in pre-stented systems. No data on long-term side effects are available. Whilst larger cohort series showed no difference in SFRs and ureteral damage, they did show lower post-operative infectious complications. Use of ureteral access sheaths depends on the surgeon's preference.


Stone extraction取石

The aim of URS is complete stone removal. 'Dust and go' strategies should be limited to the treatment of large (renal) stones. Stones can be extracted by endoscopic forceps or baskets. Only baskets made of nitinol can be used for flexible URS.


Intracorporeal lithotripsy体内碎石

The most effective lithotripsy system is the holmium: yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Ho:YAG) laser, which is currently the optimum standard for URS and flexible nephroscopy (Section 3.4.6), because it is effective in all stone types. Pneumatic and US systems can be used with high disintegration efficacy in rigid URS. However, stone migration into the kidney is a common problem, which can be prevented by placement of special anti-migration tools proximal of the stone. Medical expulsion therapy following Ho:YAG laser lithotripsy increases SFRs and reduces colic episodes.


Stenting before and after URS  


Routine stenting is not necessary before URS. However, pre-stenting facilitates ureteroscopic management of stones, improves the SFR, and reduces intra-operative complications.


Randomised prospective trials have found that routine stenting after uncomplicated URS (complete stone removal) is not necessary; stenting might be associated with higher post-operative morbidity and costs. A ureteral catheter with a shorter indwelling time (one day) may also be used, with similar results.


Stents should be inserted in patients who are at increased risk of complications (e.g., ureteral trauma, residual fragments, bleeding, perforation, UTIs, or pregnancy), and in all doubtful cases, to avoid stressful emergencies. The ideal duration of stenting is not known. Most urologists favour 1-2 weeks after URS. Alpha-blockers reduce the morbidity of ureteral stents and increase tolerability.


Medical expulsive therapy after ureteroscopy


Medical expulsion therapy following Ho:YAG laser lithotripsy accelerates the spontaneous passage of fragments and reduces episodes of colic.


Complications of ureteroscopy


The overall complication rate after URS is 9-25%. Most complications are minor and do not require intervention. Ureteral avulsion and strictures are rare (< 1%). Previous perforations are the most important risk factor for complications.


Summary of evidence and guidelines for retrograde URS, RIRS and antegrade ureteroscopy



