The Earthen Building in Fujian Province
The Huaiyuan Building at Kanxiacun, Meilinzhen, Nanjing, Zhangzhou, Fujian
福建土楼通常是指福建西南独有的群居和防卫合一的大型楼房,这些楼房的形状像天外飞碟,最常见的是圆楼与方楼。The Earthen Building usually refers to a type of large buildings in southwestern Fujian, which are a combination of communal dwellings and defense works. These buildings look like UFO, and are frequently in the shape of round or square.
The Yongding Earthen Building Complex
福建土楼是世界上独一无二的大型民居形式,聚族而居的土楼是个丰富多彩的小社会。比如永定承启楼拥有384 个房间, 最多时曾住过800 多人。The Earthen Building of Fujian is a unique large scale residential form in the world. People belonging to one clan share one earthen building, which decides that the tulou forms a small society of great diversity. For example, the ChengqiBuilding in Yongding County with 384 rooms once accommodated more than 800 people to the maximum.
The Hegui Building at Pushancun, Meilinzhen, Nanjing, Zhangzhou, Fujian
福建土楼产生于宋元,成熟于明末、清代和民国时期。福建土楼的形成与历史上中原汉人几次著名的大迁徙相关。The Earthen Buildings of Fujian first emerged during the Song and Yuan dynasties, and matured during the late Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. The emergence of such earthen buildings was related to several famous migrations of the Han people from the Central Plain in history.
The Yuchang Building
裕昌楼是一座圆形土楼,在中国福建南靖县境内, 也叫“东倒西歪楼”。The Yuchang Building is a round earthen building within the territory of Nanjing County, Fujian Province, and is also called 'Zigzagging Building'.
The Zhencheng Building
振成楼位于福建永定县,有“土楼王子”“最富丽堂皇的圆楼”之称。The Zhencheng Building is located in Yongding County, Fujian Province, and is reputed to be the 'prince of earthen buildings 'and 'the most magnificent round building'.
The Tianluokeng Earthen Building Complex
The Tianluokeng Earthen Building Complex in Nanjing County of Fujian Province is the most exquisitely designed.