
Sadhguru looks at the role of sleep and the importance of sleeping in absolute relaxation. Sharing six tips to help you sleep well, he also speaks about the Shambhavi Mahamudra, which blurs the line between being asleep and awake.
萨古鲁谈到了睡眠所扮演的角色以及睡眠时彻底放松的重要性。在分享了帮助你睡个好觉的6个小贴士后,他还谈到了可以模糊睡眠和清醒之间界限的香巴维大手印(Shambhavi Mahamudra)。
Sadhguru: Do you find that one day morning when you get up, without any reason you are just feeling ugly? If it is happening even two or three times a year, then you must do certain things before you go to bed. It is very important.
You can unconsciously incubate a lot of either negative or positive things in sleep. You can incubate either pleasantness or unpleasantness in an uninterrupted way very effectively in sleep. You can also incubate it during the day, but there are so many interruptions that it does not happen very efficiently. But if you have a tendency to go to bed in a certain way and you wake up in the morning feeling really nasty for simply no reason, that means you are incubating bad eggs in the night very efficiently.
This is not just about psychological disturbances; it can cause major physiological problems over a period of time. It is important that you eliminate these things from your life. So before you go to bed in the night, there are certain things that you need to take care of.
Tip 1: Take a Shower
Always shower before you go to bed. It will make a lot of difference. Maybe cold showers are difficult in cold weather, so take a lukewarm shower, but do not go for hot showers in the night.
A cold shower will keep you alert. You will sleep twenty minutes or half an hour later, but you will sleep better because it will take away certain things. When you shower, it is not just the dirt on the skin that you are taking away. Have you noticed, if you are very tense and anxious, after taking a shower, you come out feeling almost like a burden has been taken away from you? It is not just about washing the skin. A whole lot of things happen when water flows over your body. Taking a shower is a very rudimentary bhuta shuddhi because over seventy percent of your body is actually water. If you run water over it, a certain purification happens which is beyond cleaning the skin.
冷水澡会让你保持机敏。你会在20分钟或半小时后入眠,但你会睡得更好,因为它会带走某些东西。当你洗澡的时候,你并不只是去除皮肤上的灰尘。你有没有注意到,如果你非常紧张和焦虑,在洗澡后你出来时会感觉似乎卸下了担子呢?洗澡不仅仅是清洗皮肤。在水流遍你全身时,很多事情都在发生。洗澡是一个非常基础的五大元素净化(bhuta shuddhi),因为你身体超过70%都是水。如果你让水流遍全身,某种净化就会发生,而不只是皮肤被清洁了。
Tip 2: Don’t Sleep Right After a Meal
If you are eating meat and other kinds of meals, it is best to eat at least three to four hours before you go to bed so that the digestion is over. Before going to bed, drink a certain amount of water; you will see that it gets taken care of.
Tip 3: Light a Lamp
One more thing you can do is just light an organic oil lamp. Use a cotton wick, do not use something else. You can use linseed oil, rice-bran oil, sesame oil, olive oil or any organic oil with a cotton wick. Just light one little lamp somewhere in the room where you sleep and you will see that these things will completely disappear.
Tip 4: Remember That Time Is Running Out!
Keep this in your mind that you are truly a mortal. Not just in words, really see that you could fall dead right now. I will bless you with a long life, but it is possible that you or me could fall dead right now.
Please be conscious of this. This is not to create fear or paranoia but just to know the reality. If you know, 'I am truly mortal and my time is so limited,' you will have no time to be angry, to quarrel with someone, or to do anything that does not really matter to you. If you are conscious of your mortality, you will do only what you truly care for in your life.
Before you go to bed, sit on your bed with the thought that this is your deathbed and you have just one more minute to live. Just look back and see, what you have done today, is it worthwhile? Just do this one simple exercise. And when it really happens, who knows whether you will be sitting on your deathbed or lying in a hospital with all kinds of things sticking into you. So enjoy this every day that you sit on your deathbed, look back and see, 'Today, the way I have handled these twenty-four hours, is it worthwhile because now I am dying?' If you do this, you will live a worthwhile life, believe me.
Tip 5: Keep Things Aside
Just do this before you go to bed. In the last three minutes, keep aside everything that you have gathered – the body, the content of the mind, and the small things. Do not ignore small things; these small things are big things. I have seen how people are carrying their own private pillow because it is very important. Your pillow, your footwear, if you have relationships, everything that you have gathered – keep it aside and sleep.
If you manage to sleep like that, you will wake up with something else altogether different. You will wake up with much more light, energy and possibilities than you have imagined possible. Just sleep as life – not as a man or woman, not as this and that. Simply keep everything down.
Tip 6: Do Not “Head North”
If you put your head to the north and sleep during the night in a horizontal position, then slowly the blood will get pulled towards your brain. When there is too much circulation in the brain, you cannot sleep peacefully. If you have any kind of inherently weak aspects in your brain or if you are of old age, you could die in your sleep. One can have hemorrhage because extra blood is trying to enter the brain where the blood vessels are hairlike.
Something extra is being pushed because of the magnetic pull of the planet. When you are in a vertical position, this is not so. The moment you become horizontal, this pull on the head is strong. This is true only in the northern hemisphere. If you go to Australia, you should not put your head to the south. If you are in India you should not put your head to the north. It is okay if you put it any other way.