雅思写作 | 表示比较的8分句型

1 On the minus side, ...on the plus side... 从坏的方面看,从好的方面看

On the plus side, you've had Mars, the energy planet and also your secondary ruler, in your tenth house of fame and honors - but on the minus side, Mars has been retrogradesince December 20. 从正面来看,火星,这位能量之星同时也是你的第二主星,位居有关声誉的第十宫——可是负面而言它已经从12月20号就开始逆行。

On the minus side, the job doesn't pay well, but on the plus side, the work is easy. 从坏的方面来说,这工作工资不高。但从好的方面来看,这工作做起来简单。

2 be a matter for debate 有待商榷

What we shall do next is a matter for debate.


It remains a matter for considerable debate whether developing countries can achieve awin-win situation for both economic growth and environmental improvement. 发展中国家能否获得经济增长和环境改善的双赢一直存在争议。

3 opinion is divided as to...人们对....意见不一致

Opinion is divided as to whether this dispute –while breaking ground by using a particulartrade law for the first time –is likely by itself to set off a protectionist spiral. 美国首次使用这种特殊的贸易法来破坏共同利益,这是否可能引起贸易保护主义的螺旋式升级,人们对此看法不一。

While it is agreed that many of the UK's nuclear facilities will need to be replaced by 2018,opinion is divided as to whether new power stations will contribute to filling the predicted energy gap. 达成的共识在于到2018年为止英国的所有核设施将会被取代,但是分歧在于是否应该建设新的核电厂来填补能源的缺口。

