雅思口语| 表示时间的高分表达

1 up until that time 直到那时候,在那以前

See, up untill that time, I didn't really think about the future.  I kind of lived my life like a dog.你看,在那之前,我都没有想过以后。我过着像狗一样的生活。

2 It was in that moment that I decided to do sth. 就在那一刻,我决定......

It was in that moment that I decided, after 12 years, it was time to let go. 直到那一刻,我决定了,12年过去了,是时候放手了。

3 in a very short space of time 在很短时间里

But you've achieved a great deal in a very short space of time. “但你已经在很短时间里有了很大成就了。

4  It took a few seconds 几秒钟之后

It took a few seconds for the absurdity of this statement to sink in.几秒钟之后,大家才理解到这句话简直是匪夷所思。

