雅思口语| Part1: The area you live in 你住的地方
walkable community 适宜步行的社区
It's a livable, walkable community, rather than the one where people drive all the time. 这是个适宜居住和步行的社区,而不是大家都整天都在开车的地方。
be within walking or biking distance 通过步行或骑自行车到达
All of our needs are within walking or biking distance.所有的生活设施都能通过步行或骑自行车到达。
winding, cobbled street 鹅卵石铺成的曲折街道
We often stroll along the winding, cobbled street.我们常常在这鹅卵石铺成的曲折街道上溜达。
dew-drenched grass 带着露水的草地
I sometimes stare at the dew-drenched grass outside my window.我有时候喜欢透过窗户,盯着外面带着露水的草地看。
refreshing breeze 宜人的微风
I tend to wake the next day to brilliant sunshine and refreshing breeze. 通常我第二天清早醒来,天气晴朗,阳光明媚,宜人的微风轻轻吹拂。

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