
说英语的时候,尤其在突然不知道说什么的时候,母语会蹦出来,比如打招呼时候,最中国的问候方式“你吃了吗?”会在遇到外国人时候脱口而出“Hey ,did you have your dinner?”,
“James, did you have your lunch?”

这么问也没啥不对,只是外国人并不像中国人这么喜欢用吃没吃饭来打招呼,英语里最常用的打招呼方式是how are you ? how are you doing ? how you doing ?还有what’s up? 或者简单说成hey, s’up? 或者,how’s it going ?在后面加个with….可表达问候具体的事情,比如hey, how’s it going with your broken car? 嗨,你那个破车修理得怎么样了?how’s it going with your paperwork?你的论文写得怎么样了?hi,how’s it going with your wife? 嗨,和你老婆和好了吗?其实回答这种打招呼不必太认真,就像回答“你吃了吗?”一样,没必要把具体吃什么说出来,通常回答说,good, how about you ? couldn’t complain, still alive,没啥特别的,还活着;或者最地道的same old same old ,nothing new,老样子老样子,记住了吗?

1.How are you ? good , what about you ?
2.what’s up? couldn’t complain ,still alive, thanks for asking
3.How’s it going with your wife? Same old same old, nothing new
4.hey, how’s it going with your broken car? I bought a new one.
5.how’s it going with your paperwork? I don’t wanna talk about it