
背景音乐:Go off - Lil Uzi Vert Quavo


Rotten Tomatoes/烂番茄影评网

Audience Review/观众影评:

Elysa V

Had a blast watching this one.

Jeremy L

The Fate of the Furious simply doesn't know that it's gone overboard with its excessive action scenes, but it's still a great popcorn flick if you're into that sort of stuff.

Carlos B

Excellent addition to the franchise. Serious action, and just the right amount of humor. Can't wait for the next one!


Adam Graham

Detroit News

If you're not interested in seeing a fleet of cars get chased across a frozen lake by a Russian submarine, that's between you and your maker. As long as you are, [Fate] is a wildly entertaining thrill ride that never lets its foot off the gas.

Peter Howell

Toronto Star

I predict they'll be eventually leaving skid marks on the moon, as long as their varooms are answered by box-office ka-chings.

Stephanie Merry

Washington Post

"Fate" gives fans of the franchise exactly what they want, provided they can ditch logic as easily as the movie does.

Calvin Wilson

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Diesel and Johnson are at their testosterone-charged best. Theron, who seems to be auditioning to become the next Bond villain, is ruthlessness personified.

have a blast 玩儿得很开心

overboard 从船上落水;过头了

action scene 动作场面

excessive 过多的

popcorn flick 无脑商业片

flick 片子

into 对…感兴趣

franchise 系列电影

fleet 舰队;车队

submarine 潜水艇

maker 造物主

wildly 非常

gas pedal 油门踏板

skid mark (汽车漂移的)刹车痕迹

varoom 汽车引擎轰鸣声


ditch 丢弃

testosterone 睾丸素;雄性激素

audition 试镜

villain 坏人;恶棍

ruthless 无情的;残忍的

personify 是…的化身

