


高分通过考试 pass an exam with flying colours

如:If I work on speaking, I will pass this exam with flying colours. 如果我好好练习口语,我将会高分通过考试。

学习 swot up on 

如:I find it effortless to swot up on writing.我发现学习写作很简单。

深入阅读 read intensively

如:What I need to do is to read intensively and thus pass IELTS with flying colours. 我需要做的是深入阅读,然后高分通过雅思考试。

雅思口语 English class


放鸽子 stand sb. up 

如:Sorry, I'm afraid I have to stand you up, because I need to polish up English and score 7 in IELTS. 不好意思我要放你鸽子了,毕竟我要好好提高英语,雅思考到7.

拒绝 turn down 

如:Sorry, I'm afraid I have to turn you down, because I need to polish up English and score 7 in IELTS. 不好意思我要拒绝你了,毕竟我要做个好好提高英语,雅思考到7.

