太实用!pig 是猪,head是头,pig-headed不是“猪头”的意思!

例子: She, in her pig-headed way, insists that she is right and that everyone else is wrong. 她固执地坚持自己是对的,其他人都是错的。 He can be intransigent and pig-headed at times. 他有时候会很固执,寸步不让。
例子: Don t be so bull-headed. 别这么执拗了。

'Hot-headed' is an English idiom used to describe someone who is quick to lose his or her temper in any situation. The implication of this idiom is that the person described in this manner is quick to get angry without calmly thinking about the consequences of that anger.
例子: Don t act in haste or be hot-headed. 不可草率行事,不可鲁莽。

in difficult situations.
例子: Whatever happens, you should keep cool-headed. 不管发生什么事,你都应该保持冷静。
The China-US relationship is one of the world’s most important bilateral relations. There needs to be more positive messages and energy from this relationship. I hope the US will develop more objective and cool-headed perceptions about China, and a more rational and pragmatic China policy.

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