雅思口语| extreme sport 极限运动(bungee jumping蹦极)

try the craziest things尝试最刺激的东西

They usually come from people trying the craziest things.通常是喜欢尝试刺激的人参加极限运动。

bungee jumping蹦极跳

Bungee jumping is a good example.蹦极跳就是一个很好的例子。

tie a bungee cord to oneself用弹力绳套住自己

Someone tied a bungee cord to himself one day and jumped off of a very tall bridge某天某人用弹力绳套住自己,然后从一个很高的桥上跳下。

stretch a lot有很好的伸张力

takes a big risk to find out if one's idea will work要证实自己的想法是否管用还是具有很大的冒险性

Bungee cords stretch a lot, so the person lived, but he took a big risk to find out if his idea would work. 弹力绳有很好的伸张力,所以这个人不会有生命危险,但是要证实自己的想法是否管用还是具有很大的冒险性。

go bungee jumping 去蹦极

We went bungee jumping when we were in Australia.在澳大利亚的时候我们去了蹦极跳。

jump off a bridge从桥上跳下

bungee cord蹦极绳索

We jumped off a bridge and fell 500 feet before the bungee cord caught us.我们从桥上跳下,下降到500英尺的时候,蹦极绳索将我们套住。

be scary很吓人

be exhilerating/ɪɡˈzɪləreɪtɪŋ/ 让人兴奋

It was scary, but exhilerating.很吓人,但是又很让人兴奋。

the rush俯冲

It was a little dangerous , but the rush was worth it.有一点点危险,但是俯冲的时候,真是很值得的。

