




英语中有多重表达自己对某人或某物的喜爱的词语,今天我们就跟着Kate Woodford一起来梳理梳理。

1)Starting with a very frequent adjective; lovely is used a lot in UK English for generally good things and experiences(在英式英语中,lovely主要用来表示总体上不错的事物或经历,意为“好看的;美好的”):

That’s a lovely dress you’re wearing! (你身上的裙子很好看!)

It was so lovely to see you again! (再次见到你真好!)

2)Moving on to words that express stronger approval; two very common adjectives meaning ‘very surprising’ are also used slightly informally to mean ‘extremely good’. Incredible and amazing are both used to praise things, sometimes describing a thing that is so good, you cannot quite believe it(两个词都表示“极妙的;几号的”,强调某物好得令人难以置信):

It was an amazing performance – I’ve never seen anything like it. (这场演出真是太精彩了——我从未看过如此精彩的表演。)

He was an incredible artist – almost certainly a genius. (他是个极为出色的艺术家——简直就是个天才。)

3)Other strong adjectives that are commonly used to mean ‘extremely good’ are wonderful, (UK) marvellous / (US)  marvelous and fabulous(这三个词用来表示“非常好”,注意marvellous的美式英语拼法为marvelous):

He’s a wonderful cook. (他是个很棒的厨师。)

It’s a marvellous story. (这是个很精彩的故事。)

The food was fabulous. (这些食物美味极了。)

4)The word excellent is also used a lot, often describing something that is of extremely good quality(出色的;极好的):

The service was excellent. (这里的服务非常好。)

I thought the acting was excellent. (我认为演员的表演很精彩。)

5)Similarly, superb is used to describe something of the highest quality(一流的;上乘的):

a superb album (非常好的影集)

It was a superb goal. (这个目标棒极了。)

6)Of course, there are more informal adjectives too that are used to ‘great’. ‘Fantastic’ is one and ‘brilliant’ (in UK English) is another(fantastic和brilliant都表示great的涵义,但更加口语化。注意briliiant多用于英式英语中):

The view was just fantastic. (这个观点很棒。)

We were lucky – the weather was brilliant. (我们运气很好——天气好极了。)

7)Two informal, approving adjectives that are used especially by younger people are cool and awesome(这两个词主要是年轻人使用得较多,表示“非常棒;好极了”):

It’s a really cool place to hang out. (这个地方非常适合闲逛。)

She has an awesome voice. (她的嗓子真是棒极了。)

8)Other adjectives describe things which are very unusual because they are so good, for example exceptional(表示不同寻常的好):

The care I received from the hospital staff was exceptional – it couldn’t have been better. (医院的工作人员给到我的照顾非常周到——好得简直无与伦比。)

9)Outstanding also refers to something that is very much better than others of the same type(杰出的;突出的):

All in all, it was an outstanding performance by Messi. (总的来说,梅西的表演最为突出。)

10)The adjectives remarkable and extraordinary, meanwhile, describe things that are extremely good, having a quality that is unique, or at least, very special(两个词都表示“非凡的;特别的”):

her extraordinary beauty (她的美貌非同寻常)

Even as a young girl, she had a remarkable singing voice. (即便只是个小女孩,她却拥有一副非同一般的好嗓子。)

11)Of course, we also use idioms to say that things are very good. Something that is out of this world is extremely good(出色的;了不起的):

The food there is out of this world. (那里的食物非常棒。)

12)If you say that something takes some beating, you mean it is so good that it is hard to improve on(难以超越得好):

That hotel would take some beating. (那个宾馆好得不得了。)

13)Finally, someone or something that leaves someone or something standing is very much better than others of the same type:(远远胜过)

Her voice is excellent – it leaves the others standing. (她的嗓子非常好——远远超过其他所有人。)


