
import socketimport threadingimport timeimport traceback

class Tello: """Wrapper to simply interactions with the Ryze Tello drone."""
def __init__(self, local_ip, local_port, imperial=True, command_timeout=.3, tello_ip='', tello_port=8889): """Binds to the local IP/port and puts the Tello into command mode. Args: local_ip (str): 要绑定的本地 IP 地址. local_port (int): Local port to bind,本地端口. imperial (bool): 如果为 True, 速度是 Mph, 距离是英尺 如果 False,速度为 KPH,距离为米 command_timeout (int|float):等待响应命令的秒数. tello_ip (str): Tello IP. tello_port (int): Tello port. Raises: RuntimeError: If the Tello rejects the attempt to enter command mode. """
self.abort_flag = False self.command_timeout = command_timeout self.imperial = imperial self.response = None
self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # 创建一个UDP的连接 # socket这个是插座的意思,其实有点像 self.tello_address = (tello_ip, tello_port) # 元组传递ip+端口
self.socket.bind((local_ip, local_port))
self.receive_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._receive_thread) self.receive_thread.daemon = True # 守护线程
self.receive_thread.start() 开始一个线程
if self.send_command('command') != 'OK': raise RuntimeError('Tello 被拒绝尝试进入命令模式')
def __del__(self): """关闭Tello端口.""" self.socket.close()
def _receive_thread(self): """Listens for responses from the Tello. Runs as a thread, sets self.response to whatever the Tello last returned. """ while True: try: self.response, ip = self.socket.recvfrom(256) except Exception: break
def flip(self, direction): """Flips. Args: direction (str): Direction to flip, 'l', 'r', 'f', 'b', 'lb', 'lf', 'rb' or 'rf'. Returns: str: Response from Tello, 'OK' or 'FALSE'. """
return self.send_command('flip %s' % direction)
def get_battery(self): """Returns percent battery life remaining. Returns: int: Percent battery life remaining. """
battery = self.send_command('battery?')
try: battery = int(battery) except: pass
return battery
def get_flight_time(self): """Returns the number of seconds elapsed during flight. Returns: int: Seconds elapsed during flight. """
flight_time = self.send_command('time?')
try: flight_time = int(flight_time) except: pass
return flight_time
def get_speed(self): """Returns the current speed. Returns: int: Current speed in KPH or MPH. """
speed = self.send_command('speed?')
try: speed = float(speed)
if self.imperial is True: speed = round((speed / 44.704), 1) else: speed = round((speed / 27.7778), 1) except: pass
return speed
def land(self): """Initiates landing. Returns: str: Response from Tello, 'OK' or 'FALSE'. """
return self.send_command('land')
def move(self, direction, distance): """Moves in a direction for a distance. This method expects meters or feet. The Tello API expects distances from 20 to 500 centimeters. Metric: .1 to 5 meters Imperial: .7 to 16.4 feet Args: direction (str): Direction to move, 'forward', 'back', 'right' or 'left'. distance (int|float): Distance to move. Returns: str: Response from Tello, 'OK' or 'FALSE'. """
distance = float(distance)
if self.imperial is True: distance = int(round(distance * 30.48)) else: distance = int(round(distance * 100))
return self.send_command('%s %s' % (direction, distance))
def move_backward(self, distance): """Moves backward for a distance. See comments for Tello.move(). Args: distance (int): Distance to move. Returns: str: Response from Tello, 'OK' or 'FALSE'. """
return self.move('back', distance)
def move_down(self, distance): """Moves down for a distance. See comments for Tello.move(). Args: distance (int): Distance to move. Returns: str: Response from Tello, 'OK' or 'FALSE'. """
return self.move('down', distance)
def move_forward(self, distance): """Moves forward for a distance. See comments for Tello.move(). Args: distance (int): Distance to move. Returns: str: Response from Tello, 'OK' or 'FALSE'. """ return self.move('forward', distance)
def move_left(self, distance): """Moves left for a distance. See comments for Tello.move(). Args: distance (int): Distance to move. Returns: str: Response from Tello, 'OK' or 'FALSE'. """ return self.move('left', distance)
def move_right(self, distance): """Moves right for a distance. See comments for Tello.move(). Args: distance (int): Distance to move. """ return self.move('right', distance)
def move_up(self, distance): """Moves up for a distance. See comments for Tello.move(). Args: distance (int): Distance to move. Returns: str: Response from Tello, 'OK' or 'FALSE'. """
return self.move('up', distance)
def send_command(self, command): """Sends a command to the Tello and waits for a response. If self.command_timeout is exceeded before a response is received, a RuntimeError exception is raised. Args: command (str): Command to send. Returns: str: Response from Tello. Raises: RuntimeError: If no response is received within self.timeout seconds. """
self.abort_flag = False timer = threading.Timer(self.command_timeout, self.set_abort_flag)
self.socket.sendto(command.encode('utf-8'), self.tello_address)
while self.response is None: if self.abort_flag is True: raise RuntimeError('No response to command')
response = self.response.decode('utf-8') self.response = None
return response
def set_abort_flag(self): """Sets self.abort_flag to True. Used by the timer in Tello.send_command() to indicate to that a response timeout has occurred. """
self.abort_flag = True
def set_speed(self, speed): """Sets speed. This method expects KPH or MPH. The Tello API expects speeds from 1 to 100 centimeters/second. Metric: .1 to 3.6 KPH Imperial: .1 to 2.2 MPH Args: speed (int|float): Speed. Returns: str: Response from Tello, 'OK' or 'FALSE'. """
speed = float(speed)
if self.imperial is True: speed = int(round(speed * 44.704)) else: speed = int(round(speed * 27.7778))
return self.send_command('speed %s' % speed)
def takeoff(self): """Initiates take-off. Returns: str: Response from Tello, 'OK' or 'FALSE'. """
return self.send_command('takeoff')
def rotate_cw(self, degrees): """Rotates clockwise. Args: degrees (int): Degrees to rotate, 1 to 360. Returns: str: Response from Tello, 'OK' or 'FALSE'. """
return self.send_command('cw %s' % degrees)
def rotate_ccw(self, degrees): """Rotates counter-clockwise. Args: degrees (int): Degrees to rotate, 1 to 360. Returns: str: Response from Tello, 'OK' or 'FALSE'. """ return self.send_command('ccw %s' % degrees)


import Telloimport time
drone = tello.Tello('', 8888)drone.takeoff()time.sleep(5)
print('Flight time: %s' % drone.get_flight_time())






该模块提供了一个标准接口来提取、格式化和打印 Python 程序的堆栈跟踪结果。它完全模仿Python 解释器在打印堆栈跟踪结果时的行为。当您想要在程序控制下打印堆栈跟踪结果时,例如在“封装”解释器时,这是非常有用的。

这个模块使用 traceback 对象 —— 这是存储在 sys.last_traceback 中的对象类型变量,并作为 sys.exc_info() 的第三项被返回。



def __init__(self, local_ip, local_port, imperial=True, command_timeout=.3, tello_ip='', tello_port=8889): """Binds to the local IP/port and puts the Tello into command mode. Args: local_ip (str): 要绑定的本地 IP 地址. local_port (int): Local port to bind,本地端口. imperial (bool): 如果为 True, 速度是 Mph, 距离是英尺 如果 False,速度为 KPH,距离为米 command_timeout (int|float):等待响应命令的秒数. tello_ip (str): Tello IP. tello_port (int): Tello port. Raises: RuntimeError: If the Tello rejects the attempt to enter command mode. """
self.abort_flag = False self.command_timeout = command_timeout self.imperial = imperial self.response = None
self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # 创建一个UDP的连接 # socket这个是插座的意思,其实有点像 self.tello_address = (tello_ip, tello_port) # 元组传递ip+端口
self.socket.bind((local_ip, local_port))
self.receive_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._receive_thread) self.receive_thread.daemon = True # 守护线程
self.receive_thread.start() 开始一个线程
if self.send_command('command') != 'OK': raise RuntimeError('Tello 被拒绝尝试进入命令模式')










self.socket.sendto(command.encode('utf-8'), self.tello_address)


timer.start() while self.response is None: if self.abort_flag is True: raise RuntimeError('No response to command') timer.cancel()





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