【火腿快新闻】新书 | 2016新版《从业余卫星开始》一书在英开售


Getting Started with Amateur Satellites 2016


The 2016 edition of the book Getting Started with Amateur Satellites is now available from the AMSAT-UK shop.

2016版《从业余卫星开始》一书现已在 AMSAT-UK 商店销售。

This excellent book is written by G. Gould Smith, WA4SXM and Friends. This year’s edition has been thoroughly updated and the book is now 176 pages long, covering all a beginner (and an experienced operator) needs to know about getting set up, listening to, and operating through the amateur satellites.

这本优秀著作由G. Gould Smith, WA4SXM和他的朋友们编写,今年,新版本进行了彻底更新,该书由176页,内容涵盖从入门到有经验的操作者所需要的业余卫星接收设备安装,收听和操作的整个内容。

With information on, AO-73, UKube-1, the upcoming Fox-1A, Fox-1B, Fox-1C, Fox-1D, and Fox-1E, it also includes information on several satellites of interest to radio amateurs expected to be launched in the coming year.

该书涵盖了AO-73, UKube-1, 和即将发射的 Fox-1A, Fox-1B, Fox-1C, Fox-1D, and Fox-1E卫星资料,同时还有一些业余无线电爱好者期待即将在今年发射的业余卫星资料。

As last year, AMSAT-NA and the authors have very kindly allowed AMSAT-UK to print copies in the UK, and make them available from the AMSAT-UK shop at http://shop.amsat-uk.org/Getting_Started_with_Amateur_Satellites_-_2016/p3815740_16038670.aspx

去年,AMSAT-NA 和该书作者允许AMSAT-UK在英国销售此书。详情可登录AMSAT-UK 网站购买。http://shop.amsat-uk.org/Getting_Started_with_Amateur_Satellites_-_2016/p3815740_16038670.aspx




