【火腿快新闻】美国防部127亿美金采购合同 | ​三家电台设备制造商分蛋糕,谁将最终受益?(下)

本文作者: Rich Smith

编译:BG5WKP 朱轶



Is the U.S. Army Really Spending $12.7 Billion on Radios?



【火腿快新闻】(⊙o⊙)…127亿美金采购电台装备?| 美国军队真的那么土豪么?(上)

Who gets the loot?

Of course, when you get right down to it, what interests investors most isn't the capabilities of the system -- the Pentagon already seems pretty pleased with those. What we really want to know is who will benefit from this contract, and how much?


In that regard, the three companies participating in this $12.7 billion, 10-year-long contract, are the aforementioned Harris Corp., as well as General Dynamics (NYSE: GD) andRockwell Collins (NYSE: COL). Assuming a roughly equal split in how much of the contract each company is ordered to fulfill, the deal will affect the companies very differently.

在这方面,在上述这个长达十年的合同里,哈里斯公司、通用动力公司(NYSE:GD)和洛克威尔柯林斯(NYSE: COL)这三家公司共同分享这127亿美元的蛋糕。假设将合同的金额大致相等的分成到每个公司要求完成,那么这笔交易将极大的影响这些公司。

General Dynamics, the largest of the three firms at $31.5 billion in annual revenue, will see the least benefit from this deal. According to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence, GD's Information Systems and Technology business is the company's largest, but its second leastprofitable. And even an extra $472 million a year in radio business ($12.7 billion, divided among three contractors, and spread over 10 years) will boost GD IS&T revenues by less than 5%.

通用动力公司,是这3家公司中最大的,年收入315亿美元,至少会看到从这项交易中获益。标准普尔全球市场情报的数据显示,通用动力公司的信息系统和技术业务是该公司最大的主营业务,但该业务却是他们的盈利倒数第二的业务。即使每年额外增加的这4.72亿美元的电台设备业务(127亿美元,分给三个承包商,分布在10年)GD 信息系统和技术业务收入只会增加不到5%。

Rockwell Collins will do quite a bit better. The $5.2 billion-a-year company is the smallest of the Pentagon's three winners, but it's also very dependent on government work, with its "Government Systems" division accounting for nearly 42% of all revenues Rockwell Collins collects in a year. Rockwell makes very good revenues on this business -- nearly 21% operating profit margins -- and will profit nicely from the extra Pentagon business.


It's Harris Corp, however, that will benefit most of all. $472 million in extra annual revenue promises to grow the company's $1.8 billion annual Communications Systems business by more than 26%. And Harris earns superb operating profit margins on this business -- approaching 31% per revenue dollar. Operating profit from this one single contract could therefore be as much as $146 million a year, or nearly twice what Harris earned in all of 2015.


Long story short, if there's one single stock I'd expect to do best in the wake of this monster radio contract award, it's Harris Corporation. And the fact that the stock has moved hardly at all since the contract was announced? This is one Fool that thinks Harris is worthy of closer inspection.

长话短说,如果我希望有一只从这个怪物电台设备合同获利表现最好的股票,那么非哈里斯公司莫属。事实上,当美国军方宣布这个合同之后,该公司股价不就已经飞涨了么? 我们认为哈里斯公司是值得做近一步的观察的。

A secret billion-dollar stock opportunity


The world's biggest tech company forgot to show you something, but a few Wall Street analysts and the Fool didn't miss a beat: There's a small company that's powering their brand-new gadgets and the coming revolution in technology. And we think its stock price has nearly unlimited room to run for early in-the-know investors!




