Why Does My iPhone 6s,SE Battery Die So Fast?

1/19/21 我剛才不得不刪除手機上的百度 因為不小心觸碰'想知道變老的...’廣告ㄧ直播不停( 我另外手機也碰到類似問題於幾星期前刪除百度 我認為這是為何我的手機很容易耗損電池主因)如果百度新聞無法事前濾除不當的廣告 那麼在美國安裝百度新聞時出現'安全警告’就會被證實 希望百度能警惕.

ps by the way from what i saw '想知道變老的...’廣告, it is usa(?) app. s/w to allure clients install the app. i suspect if it is usa made app then might have malicious behind it or won't force clients to install it.  usa police never caught many frauds and ID theft.


the battery dropped down quickly problem after 100% charged which bothers me lots, most time i used in last 2 months was watching/reading baidu news. to reduce the problem i tried many ways from searching '如何从iPhone检查和删除病毒' to 'Why Does My iPhone Battery Die So Fast? '. each time i followed other people suggestion it seemed working one day for 6s or SE then happened again.

In the end my experiences conclusion is:

  1. A baildu '想知道變老的...’廣告 similar type can't be ended

    B apple iphone provided too complex functions most are junks especially 6s can't hold screen but auto rotate; multiple app windows which you used would pile up and unless double tapped home button then one by one close them or it would eat up battery.

  2. the best thru change settings(from other people offered video show) i would say by searching youtube 'Why Does My iPhone Battery Die So Fast? An Apple Tech's 14 iPhone Battery Drain Fixes!' from it i got more confidence to disable as many iphone junky functions as possible without worry the side effect. However better keep in mind sometimes need to enable or manual update to receive emails(and others).

  3. my 2 years old 6s iphone settings->Battery battery health servicesscore is 52% and SE is 82% which means 6s might need to replace battery soon and SE needs attention. however we had bad experiences that we bought tablet for very low phone service charge due to the very poor phone service (with lousy background noice...) so we cut off the service and i used it as camera then the battery got died symptons. but till today it still can be charged and camera works.

    so I won't replace 6s battery which cost us$60 by battery plus store (can get $10 discount if we replace at this period time).

    PS both 2 years old, SE is too small we only use it as phone till i can't but delete baidu in 6s.  6s i use LINE as relatives chat only when it is necessary. 6s and SE we hardly use until last 2 months i began watching baidu news and post my opinions in 6s then SE.  i would say watching video news consume battery too much that i have to charge many times per day and for that i can't but disable baidu news functions then reduce watching till totally deleted.

    notebook still better one except don't have cell phone chinese app for typing. this is why i can't but type english in here and udn my blog. I expect china app SW companies pay attention to offer 'good' and 'convience' one not many complex functions make machine/battery die soon. And for taiwan people easy type chinese by ChuYing(注音) method.

    PS scare me to the death after i post my opinions about att email new updating functions then when i re-login my email account got "That user ID doesnt seem to work here. Sign in with a different ID.  Care Code: 205.4" so i thought i were punished and spent lots time to solve it in the end i guessed https://currently.att.yahoo.com(AT&T Yahoo Mail version?) just terminated on 1/21/2021 permanently. i tried to check my file about "att email clients would request to buy new equipment before xx/xx/2022..." then found the file in my HD was stolen which i just reviewed couple days ago. we were att client for quite long time until fed up many troubles then switch to 2 other providers. Should we back to att client again or dump long years emails or buy new att equip? ps (att community forums)obviously every one here got the same error in different dates. so i'm not sure what is the trigger.
    however i solved it by visit www.att.com sign in then select email and sign in again. which also request Identification code.

    ps should i transfer sbcglobal email to gmail? in udn last year gmail accounts suddenly blockaded me twice because my post opinions in udn 發表迴響(should be facebook not gmail?) to myself writing articles so i definitely won't consider it due to "too much policitc punished" related.
    i prefer using china free email system but not sure whether can use it in usa since Trump ridiculous forbid this and that.

