包括以下几步:1、DMSO被质子化的二烷基碳二酰亚胺活化;2、醇的活化和烷氧基硫叶立德的生成;3、烷氧基硫叶立德的内部重排生成相应的醛酮和副产物二烷基脲。所有的活性DMSO 的氧化中,硫叶立德都是必要的中间体。

General procedure for oxidation ofalcohols by Pfitzner–Moffatt method
3 equiv. of a carbodiimide are addedover a solution of 1 equiv. of the alcohol and 0.5 equiv. of pyridiniumtrifluoroacetate in 0.6–40 mL of neat dry DMSO or a mixture of DMSO andbenzene, at room temperature. When most of the starting compound has beenconsumed, the work-up can be made according to the following alternatives:
Work-up A:
The solvent is removed at the rotaryevaporator, and the resulting residue is purified by chromatography. It can beadvisable to filter the precipitate of DCU-formed when DCC is used-beforeremoving the solvent. In order to avoid interferences from unreactedcarbodiimide, it can be advisable to transform it in the corresponding urea bycareful addition of oxalic acid-either solid or in a solution in methanol- tothe stirred reaction mixture. Addition of oxalic acid produces a copiousevolution of gas that signals the duration of the hydrolysis of thecarbodiimide.
Work-up B:
The reaction mixture is fractionedbetween water and an organic solvent, such as diethyl ether, ethyl acetate ordichloromethane. The organic phase is sequentially washed with water and withan aqueous solution of NaHCO3, dried with Na2SO4or MgSO4 and concentrated. When DCC is used, the resulting residuewill contain unreacted DCC and DCU that will need to be separated bychromatography.

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3. 化学空间:普菲茨纳-莫发特氧化反应 Pfitzner-Moffatt Oxidation
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