
Report Claim Russia President Drop Lion & Tiger On Street So Citizens Can Stay Indoor


Russian President Vladimir Putin has done some wild things over the years, but he has definitely not unleashed hundreds of lions and tigers to keep his citizens indoors during a coronavirus lockdown.

Social media users have been buzzing about the bizarre — and fake — notion all weekend after several people shared an old photo with a made-up new headline about Russia.

The viral hoax appears to be circulating most rapidly in India, where there are considerably more lions and tigers than there are in Russia. Several social media posts compare India’s current two-week lockdown to Russia, where they suggest that Putin is taking a more iron-fisted approach.

“Vladimir Putin has dropped 800 tigers and lions all over the country to push people to stay home,” Twitter user Nasir Chinioti wrote on Sunday, in a tweet that’s been liked and shared tens of thousands of times. The tweet includes a photo of Putin and another of a lion standing in a parking lot at night.

Chinioti describes himself as a comedian in his Twitter profile, and he told one user that the photos were just a “joke.”

Global News has traced the photo back to a Daily Mail story from April 2016. The lion in the photo is pictured in Johannesburg, South Africa — not St. Petersburg or any other city in Russia.

Nevertheless, the photo has sparked a deluge of rumours online, and a flood of fact-checking stories from many India-based news outlets.



Vladimir Putin 弗拉基米尔·普京(俄罗斯总统)

unleash v. 释放;发泄;(使)爆发

buzzing   n. 嗡嗡声;嘈杂声 引申为:忙碌

bizarre /bɪˈzɑːr/adj. 奇异的

made-up adj. 捏造的;化妆过的

viral adj. 病毒性的

hoax n. 恶作剧;骗局 v. 捉弄,欺骗

appears to v. 看上去好像;似乎;出现

circulating adj. 循环的;流通的;(传播)

iron-fisted approach 铁腕措施

parking lot  n. 停车场

comedian n. 喜剧演员

Daily Mail 每日邮报

Johannesburg n. 约翰尼斯堡(位于南非东北部)

St. Petersburg n. 圣彼德斯堡

deluge  /ˈdeljuːdʒ/  n. 洪水;泛滥;暴雨 vt. 使泛滥;压倒

rumours n. 谣言 vt. 传闻





推特用户纳西尔·吉尼奥蒂(Nasir Chinioti)周日在推特上写道:“弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)在全国各地投放了800只老虎和狮子,以促使人们留在家中。”。这条微博包括一张普京和另一张狮子晚上站在停车场的照片。




