

As long as you remember me, I don't mind the whole world forgetting me.


I can't say you, but I like you.

所有的小心思 都给了你 请你以后 再也不要丢下我。

All the careful thinking has been given to you. Please don't leave me any more.


I want to get into your body and grow like a mushroom.


Can you stop blinking when I'm lying on your eyelashes.

我已经闭好一只眼睛了 就等你说晚安闭另外一只 。

I've already closed one eye. I'll wait for you to say good night and close the other.


I don't think I'm stupid at all. At least I don't know how to like you.

我可不是一个简单的醋坛子 我可是一个绑着一吨炸药的可爱的醋坛子。

I'm not a simple vinegar jar. I'm a lovely vinegar jar with a ton of dynamite.


I want to be simple, time is still there, you are still there.

我就是喜欢你,你就是我的 。

I just like you. You are mine.

