
“she is your new secretary.” And in the abrupt silence that followed:"Conan Garth----Dinah Fisher"

"Oh," said Conan Garth in a voice that belied the blaze of fury in his eyes."Oh... that's just bloody wonderful, that is. A secretary!"One corner of his mouth turned down in a deliberate  sneer as he turned to Mick Johnstone with an angry shake of his head."I told you once this outfit was right spinny, didn't I , Mick? A secretary ! I ask them for journalists, I ask for more equipment, and what do I get?---A secretary!"

Then the pale eyes turned on Dinan and he laughed harshly." And worse than that, I get a secretary who goes about seducig my journo into leaving the newsroom vacant while they run off to chat her up in the canteen. Oh, I can see you're going to be a great help around here, Miss Fisher. A bloody marvelous help!"

Mick Johnstone interrupted in a bid to take blame for the canteen incident, but he might as well have been talking to the wall. Conan Garth was still giving all his attention to Dinah. His eyes roved over her from shaggy blonde hair to trim, shapely ankles, and it was obvious that little of what he saw impressed him very much.

"And tell me , Miss Fisher, just how did you come to be selected as secretary for this newsroom? I don' t even remember advertisng for a secretary , but then I'm only the news director. I suppose it's really too much to expect that anybody'd tell me what's going on in my own newsroom."

Dinah felt a warmth flushing up into her throat, and recognised part of it, at least, as anger. This she could control, but her confusion beneath those stern taupe eyes was less easy to handle.

"I... I was hired by Mr... by the general manager," she stammered , embarrassed at having forgoten the man's name at such an inconvenient time.


“她是您的新秘书”在接下来突然的沉默之后,他接着说“柯南 咖仕----戴娜 费雪”

“哦”“柯南用一种掩饰他眼中愤怒的声音说,“那真是太棒了,太棒了。一个秘书!”当他愤怒地摇着头转向米克 约翰斯通时,他的嘴角向下拉着带着故意的嘲讽。“我曾经跟你说过,这件外套是很漂亮的,对吗,米克?一个秘书!我问他们要记者,要更多的设备,我得到了什么?————秘书!”


米克 约翰斯通打断了他对餐厅事件的指责,但他还不如和墙说话。柯南 咖仕仍然在关注着戴娜。他的眼睛从她蓬松的金发瞟到光洁有型的脚踝,显然他看到的东西几乎没有什么给他留下了深刻的印象。




