Astronomy Picture of the Day——太阳系的行星:倾斜与自转

Planets of the Solar System: Tilts andSpins

Video Credit: NASA, Animation: JamesO'Donoghue (JAXA)

Explanation: How does your favorite planetspin? Does it spin rapidly around a nearly vertical axis, or horizontally, orbackwards? The featured video animates NASA images of all eight planets in ourSolar System to show them spinning side-by-side for an easy comparison. In thetime-lapse video, a day on Earth -- one Earth rotation -- takes just a fewseconds. Jupiter rotates the fastest, while Venus spins not only the slowest(can you see it?), but backwards. The inner rocky planets, across the top, mostcertainly underwent dramatic spin-altering collisions during the early days ofthe Solar System. The reasons why planets spin and tilt as they do remains a topicof research with much insight gained from modern computer modeling and therecent discovery and analysis of hundreds of exoplanets: planets orbiting otherstars.





Astronomy Picture of the Day——“磁”猎户

Astronomy Picture of the Day——月面撞击

Astronomy Picture of the Day——船尾座RS星

