雅思口语 activity near water

1 go for a dip 游泳

Last month I went for a dip with my close friends in the crystal -clear water. 上个月我和好朋友在清澈的水里游泳。

2 sandy beach 沙地海滩

I was deeply impressed by the breathtaking sandy beach. 这个令人赞叹的沙地海滩让我印象深刻。

3 paddle a boat 用浆划船

What I really wanna do is paddling a boat with my close friends. And I would probably go for a dip after that I guess. 我特别想和我的好朋友用浆划船。可能之后还会游个泳啥的。

4 beach resort 海滩度假村

On arriving at the beach resort, I was, you know,  how can I put it, really fascinated by the sandy beach. 一到达这个海滩度假村,我就被那的沙地海滩吸引了。

5 get one's sea legs 习惯于船的颠簸,不晕船

After a while I got my sea legs. 过了一会儿我终于不晕船了。

6 rocky shore 岩质海岸

The beach resort ,I think, is really breathtaking, especially the rocky shore. 这个海滩度假村实在是太令人赞叹了,尤其是那的岩质海岸

7 get a suntan 晒日光浴

What I often like to do is getting a suntan when I go to a beach resort. 去海滩度假村我最喜欢做的事情是晒日光浴。

8 scuba diving 潜水

Actually she's a big fan of scuba diving . 事实上她很喜欢潜水

10 wind down 放松

Then I came up with an idea of paddling a boat to wind down. 然后我突然想到用浆划船来放松放松。

