雅思口语| Part2:失而复得的东西 Something you lost and you got it back

1 flabbergasted   /'flæbəga:stid/大吃一惊的

When I couldn't find my wallet, I was flabbergasted. 当找不到钱包的时候,我惊呆了。

2 rummage /ˈrʌmɪdʒ/vt. 检查;搜出;仔细搜查;翻找出  vi. 翻找;仔细搜查

I opened my bag and rummaged around. 我打开包,然后开始仔细寻找。

3 it hit me that 突然想到

It hit me that I had left it at security checkpoint 我突然想到好像把它落在安检处了。

4 leap to one's feet 猛地站起来

So I leapt to my feet and set off at a run. 所以我猛地站起来,然后跑步出发。

5 get a glimpse of 瞥见

I got a glimpse of my wallet on a desk. 我瞥见了我的钱夹,它在一张桌子上。

6 one's face shining with excitement 脸上兴奋地放光

I strode towards the desk, my face shining with excitement. 我大步走向桌子,脸上兴奋地放光。

7 snatch up 猛地拿起来

I snatched it up and sprinted up the stairs我快速拿起来,然后冲上楼梯。

