
我们正在精读国外经典骨科书籍《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》,想要对于骨科英文形成系统认识,为以后无障碍阅读英文文献打下基础,请持续关注。



Reduction under anaesthesia is urgent; this is usually achieved by pulling directly in the line of the leg, but hyperextension must be avoided because of the danger to the popliteal vessels. If reduction is achieved, the limb is rested on a back-splint and the circulation is checked repeatedly during the 48 hours. Because of swelling, a plaster cylinder is dangerous.

A vascular injury will need immediate repair and the limb is then more conveniently splinted with an anterior external fixator (Fig. 30.12). If possible, repair or reconstruction of the capsule and collateral ligaments should be undertaken at the same time – this may involve simple suture or reattachment of the avulsed portions to bone – in order to enable early movement of the knee with the support of a hinged knee brace. If the direct repair is tenuous, augmentation using tendon grafts may be needed.

In general, early reconstruction of the torn ligaments followed by protected movement of the joint reduces the severity of joint stiffness. The cruciate ligaments can be reconstructed after knee movement has recovered, usually some 6–12 months later. Prolonged cast immobilization (usually 12 weeks) is no longer recommended as it has been shown to be less good at preserving knee function.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


conveniently  /kənˈviːniəntli/adv. 便利地;合宜地

hinged knee brace铰链膝关节支具

hinge /hɪndʒ/n. 铰链,折叶;关键,转折点

If the direct repair is tenuous, augmentation using tendon grafts may be needed. 如果直接修复是脆弱的,则可能需要使用肌腱移植进行增强。

tenuous /ˈtenjuəs/adj. 纤细的;稀薄的;贫乏的

augmentation /ˌɔːɡmenˈteɪʃn/n. 增加,增大;增加物

Prolonged cast immobilization (usually 12 weeks) is no longer recommended as it has been shown to be less good at preserving knee function.延长石膏固定(通常为12周)不再被推荐,因为它已被证明在保护膝关节功能方面不太好。







