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Repeated Morphine Prolongs Postoperative Pain in Male Rats



方  法


结 果  

剖腹手术后吗啡治疗延长术后疼痛3周以上(时间:P < .001;;治疗:P <0 .05)。术后疼痛的延长与吗啡戒断无关,剂量逐渐减少也不能预防此效应(时间:P =0 .8;时间:P < .001;治疗:P =0.0 9)。长时间手术后的疼痛与炎症介质的表达增加有关,包括TLR4受体, NLRP3蛋白, NFκB,半胱氨酸蛋白酶-1(caspase-1), 白细胞介素1β(interleukin-1β)和肿瘤坏死因子(P <0 .05);我们发现术前应用吗啡,在剖腹手术结束前立即停用,同样延长了术后疼痛(时间治疗:P<0.001;时间治疗:P<0.001;治疗:P<0.001)。吗啡增强疼痛有一个关键的窗口,因为在开腹前一周结束的7天吗啡疗程并没有延长术后疼痛。

结 论



Peter M. Grace,et al;Repeated Morphine Prolongs Postoperative Pain in Male Rats.[J] Anesth



Opioids are effective postoperative analgesics. Disturbingly, we have previously reported that opioids such as morphine can worsen inflammatory pain and peripheral and central neuropathic pain. These deleterious effects are mediated by immune mediators that promote neuronal hyperexcitability in the spinal dorsal horn. Herein, we tested whether perioperative morphine could similarly prolong postoperative pain in male rats.


Rats were treated with morphine for 7 days, beginning immediately after laparotomy, while the morphine was tapered in a second group. Expression of genes for inflammatory mediators was quantified in the spinal dorsal horn. In the final experiment, morphine was administered before laparotomy for 7 days.


We found that morphine treatment after laparotomy extended postoperative pain by more than 3 weeks (time × treatment: P < .001; time: P < .001; treatment: P < .05). Extension of postoperative pain was not related to morphine withdrawal, as it was not prevented by dose tapering (time × treatment: P = .8; time: P < .001; treatment: P = .9). Prolonged postsurgical pain was associated with increased expression of inflammatory genes, including those encoding Toll-like receptor 4, NOD like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3), nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB), caspase-1, interleukin-1β, and tumor necrosis factor (P < .05). Finally, we showed that of preoperative morphine, concluding immediately before laparotomy, similarly prolonged postoperative pain (time × treatment: P < .001; time: P < .001; treatment: P < .001). There is a critical window for morphine potentiation of pain, as a 7-day course of morphine that concluded 1 week before laparotomy did not prolong postsurgical pain.


These studies indicate the morphine can have a deleterious effect on postoperative pain. These studies further suggest that longitudinal studies could be performed to test whether opioids similarly prolong postoperative pain in the clinic.




翻译:唐剑 编辑:何幼芹  审校:王贵龙

