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Oral Lorazepam is not Superior to Placebo for Lowering Stress in Children Before Digestive Endoscopy: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Trial



方  法

将患者随机分为劳拉西泮组、安慰剂组和未用药组。入院时收集唾液,随机化后1h再次收集唾液。镇静方案包括咪达唑仑和芬太尼联合/不联合氯胺酮。采用护士评估患者舒适度评分表(NAPCOMS)对操作性疼痛进行评估。患者完成术后问卷调查。主要观察指标是皮质醇含量降低≥15 nmol/l的儿童的占比。

结 果  

本研究共纳入101名参与者(54名女性)。劳拉西泮组、安慰剂组和未用药组皮质醇下降≥15 nmol/l所占比率分别为27.3%、35.3%和19.4%(p=0.356)。劳拉西泮组中位(IQR)NAPCOMS疼痛评分为3.0(0-6),安慰剂组为4.4(0-6),未用药组为3.4(3-4)(p=0.428)。感觉内镜检查过程非常舒适的儿童中,劳拉西泮组儿童的比例为75.9%,安慰剂组为41.9%,未用药的儿童为34.5%(p=0.013)。术中最常见的不良反应是短暂性心动过速,尤以劳拉西泮为主(62.5%,p=0.029)。

结 论



Chennou F,  Bonneau-Fortin A,  Portolese O, et al. Oral Lorazepam is not Superior to Placebo for Lowering Stress in Children Before Digestive Endoscopy: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Trial.[J] .Paediatr Drugs, 2019

Background Digestive endoscopies must be performed within a safe and comfortable environment. We have previously shown that the quality of intravenous sedation is infuenced by preoperative stress.

Aim Our primary objective was to compare the effects of oral lorazepam and placebo on the salivary cortisol response of children undergoing a digestive endoscopy. Secondary objectives were the assessment of procedural pain and comfort as well as the occurrence of adverse events.

Methods Participants were randomized and received either lorazepam, placebo, or no premedication. Saliva was collected upon arrival at the hospital and 1 h following randomization. The sedation protocol included midazolam and fentanyl±ketamine. Procedural pain was evaluated with the Nurse Assessed Patient Comfort Score (NAPCOMS). Patients completed a postoperative questionnaire. The primary outcome was defned as the proportion of children having a cortisol decrease≥ 15 nmol/L.

Results 101 participants (54 females) were included. The rate of children having a cortisol decrease≥15 nmol/L was 27.3%, 35.3%, and 19.4% for lorazepam, placebo, and no premedication, respectively (p=0.356). The median (IQR) NAPCOMS pain score was 3.0 (0–6) for lorazepam, 4.4 (0–6) for placebo, and 3.4 (3–4) for no premedication (p=0.428). With lorazepam, 75.9% of children reported experiencing a comfortable procedure, compared with 41.9% taking placebo and 34.5% with no premedication (p=0.013). Transient tachycardia was the most frequent intraoperative adverse event, particularly with lorazepam (62.5%, p=0.029).

Conclusions Oral lorazepam had no effect on patients’ preoperative stress, as measured by salivary cortisol, but was associated with a higher rate of comfortable procedures.




翻译:何幼芹  编辑:何幼芹  审校:王贵龙

