Astronomy Picture of the Day——斯洛伐克上空的英仙座流星

Perseid Meteors over Slovakia 
Image Credit & Copyright: Petr Horálek

Explanation: Tonight is a good night to see meteors. Comet dust will rain down on planet Earth, streaking through dark skies during the peak of the annual Perseid Meteor Shower. The featured composite image was taken during last year's Perseids from the Poloniny Dark Sky Park in Slovakia. The unusual building in the foreground is a planetarium on the grounds of Kolonica Observatory. Although the comet dust particles travel parallel to each other, the resulting shower meteors clearly seem to radiate from a single point on the sky in the eponymous constellation Perseus. The radiant effect is due to perspective, as the parallel tracks appear to converge at a distance, like train tracks. The Perseid Meteor Shower is expected to peak after midnight tonight, although unfortunately this year the sky will be brightened by a near full Moon.





Astronomy Picture of the Day——哈勃展示的木星新肖像

Astronomy Picture of the Day——黎明时分的阿特拉斯火箭

Astronomy Picture of the Day——蒂尔岭上的好奇号

