1/12 【美国历史上的今天】林登·约翰逊升级越战
When: Jan 12, 1966
What: President Lyndon B. Johnson, in his State of the Union address, pledged to stay in Vietnam until the aggression ends.
Why significant: Security and the principles of democracy were cited as the reasons for committing to the conflict long-term.
By October 1965 there were over 200,000 American troops deployed in Vietnam. The public became increasingly impatient with the war efforts. Seeking to appease domestic opponents, Johnson vowed to limit the conflict. He also assured the international community that the U.S. sought neither territory nor bases, economic domination nor military alliance in Vietnam.
However during his presidency, Johnson further escalated the U.S.'s involvement in Vietnam. By the end of 1966, Johnson increased American troop numbers in Vietnam to 400,000. His handling of the Vietnam War ultimately drew him substantial criticism. As historian Robert Dallek writes, "Lyndon Johnson's escalation of the war in Vietnam divided Americans into warring camps ... cost 30,000 American lives by the time he left office, [and] destroyed Johnson's presidency..."
Tags: Vietnam War, President Lyndon Johnson, the Great Society