一封家书 || A letter to my father....../威廉诵读(第523期B)


感谢作者、中学英语老师陌上花开。感谢英文版诵读者、我的朋友西安威廉英语学校校长威廉先生(西安地区重要英语听力测试录音者)。这是两封不同内容的信,汉语的写于2016年11月,英文的写于2017年 1月,但是信中所要传递的情感是相同的,,,





My dear father,

It has already been more than six months since I last saw you, only your photos can keep me company now.  I hope you are doing well?

I have something to tell you that you may not know. When night comes, I sometimes can see you in my dreams. You would smile at me but say nothing. How I wish to hear your voice again.

But at least I can see you. You are not gone. But of course, dreams do not last forever.

When I would wake up, I would find that you are missing and had left my world so abruptly. A coldness surrounds me.

This would sometimes make me cry like a baby. Why? I just cannot help feeling a bit angry. There are still lots of things I wanted to say to you. Lots of promises not kept.

You promised me you would live much longer and not leave me here on this world alone.

You promised me you would be healthier so I would always have a safe place to go.

You promised me you would be much happier so I would not have to worry about you.

As I sit there being angry at you... slowly my anger turns to regret.  I begin to realize that I should not be angry with you. Maybe I should be angry with myself!

I should be angry with myself for ignoring your health. I thought all would pass.

I should be angry with myself for failing you so many times. I thought I had more time to make up for it.

I should be angry with myself for not spending more time with you. I thought there would always be tomorrow.

I should be angry with myself for not taking care of you more. I didn't think it was so serious.

Now I am left with more of my tears rolling down my cheeks.

For nearly forty years of my life, you had loved me, put up with me, and protected me.   Those things I will forever hold dear inside of me.

But most of all.... I blame myself for not having the courage to say I LOVE YOU.



As my eyes begin to water and the tears fall down again. Please know dad, wherever you are, that from the bottom of my heart, you are not forgotten. You are still with me every day. You are not just in my dreams. And my love and your love for me and with time, will heal all my sorrows.

Before I end this letter to you Father, I want to tell you that I need you now more than ever. I want to tell you that I am not angry at you anymore. Please forgive your daughter and please remember to visit me always in my dream. Don't forget to try to say some words to me next time. If you don't, that is ok. Sometimes words are not needed.

Love,  your daugter

Jan 6,2017






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