
1966 生于西安
1984~1988  中央美术学院油画系就读本科
1994~1996  中央美术学院油画系就读研究生

Yu Hong
1966 Born in Xi’an
1984 Studied in the Oil Painting department, Central academy of fine arts, Bachelor's degree
1994 Studied in the Oil Painting department, Central academy of fine arts, Master's degree
Currently Lives in Beijing, teaches in the Oil painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts

白马  布面丙烯  2019

White Horse

Acrylic on canvas


重量  布面丙烯  2018


Acrylic on canvas


In Yu Hong’s works, we can first see a human environment that is closely related to real life. This situation is expressed through the concrete forms in her works, including the sky, mountains, earth, water and creatures in her painting space that are related to reality. But what she wants to express is the dislocation relationship between individual events and situations. This relationship is magnified by her strong visual modeling. Therefore, the surreal subjective consciousness in her works exceeds the objective reality.

愚公还在移山  布面丙烯  2017

Yu Gong is still moving mountains

Acrylic on canvas


游园惊梦  布面丙烯  2015
Dreams in the Garden

Acrylic on canvas


In her paintings, there are always super-conventional spaces with considerable fantasy and magic, which is a kind of imaginative visualization and metaphysical concretization. The classic surrealist genre we are familiar with has constructed various bizarre scenes. Although surrealism as a modern art genre has become history, the surreal experience, especially the experience entered from a personal perspective, will go on and on. Yu Hong did just that, but what she experiences and feels is a contemporary world, so her expression is no longer as a traditional surreal expression, but creates a contemporary version of surreal expression.

天门  布面丙烯  2015
Celestial gate

Acrylic on canvas


百尺竿头  布面丙烯  2015

Ever Higher, Ever Further

Acrylic on canvas



文 / 范迪安 2016年9月

In this dreamlike narrative, her consciousness is intertwined with the reality of this era. She also transforms this deep consciousness into a visual projection, constructing various metaphors and symbols in the picture. In this sense, Yu Hong's "dreams" are not entirely individual dreams, but rather use a "dream-like" narrative to express feelings about reality. The characters with extremely exaggerated dynamics in her works show a kind of extreme experience of contemporary people. The extension of the body and the incredible demeanor transform the physical shape of the human body into a shape of psychological reality, showing that people are not only biological, but also a social man. In various social situations, the spirit of all things and all things of the spirit are integrated, and a new relationship between man and the world he lives in has also formed.

Text / Fan Di'an September 2016

新世纪  布面丙烯  2017

New Century

Acrylic on canvas




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