作家名片 | 须一瓜:优秀的小说更有力量掀起灵魂的面纱


须一瓜,女, 1963年11月生于福建。厦门晚报记者,中国一级作家。出版了《淡绿色的月亮》《蛇宫》《你是我公元前的熟人》《提拉米苏》《火车火车娶老婆没有》《第五个喷嚏》《老闺蜜》等中短篇小说集,长篇小说《太阳黑子》《别人》《白口罩》《双眼台风》等。获华语传媒奖、郁达夫小说奖、人民文学小说奖、小说选刊小说奖、小说月报小说奖等。
Xu Yigua
Xu Yigua was born in November 1963 in Fujian. She is a Xiamen Evening News reporter and a first-rate Chinese writer. She has published a series of short stories including The Light Green Moon, The Serpent Court, You Are My Ancient Acquaintance, Tiramisu, Train, Train, Do You Have a Wife Yet?, The Fifth Sneeze, Old Girlfriends and so on as well as novels including Sunspots, Others, White Masks and Double-eyed Typhoon. She has won the Chinese Language Media Award, Yu Dafu Novel Prize, People’s Literary Fiction Prize, Fiction Selection Novel Award, Fiction Monthly Fiction Award and so on.
Xu Yigua is unique and it is almost impossible for us to associate her with any other author. She was born with a high degree of hostility towards similarities. In terms of subject matter, material, regions, and categories, it is difficult to classify her work. What she wants to write about is the richness and complexity of urban life and humanity, and the challenge is the “impossibility” of literature. Therefore, most of her novels are as complex and confusing as a maze. Reading her novels is an intellectual battle to a large extent. Xu Yigua makes it so her novels not only have the texture of a psychological detective narrative, but also puts them under the speculative power of questioning existence, showing the orientation of a spiritual rise from a writer to a novelist philosopher.
Sunspots tells the story of three fugitives. Three 16 and 17-year-olds commit the major crime of raping and killing an entire family. In the more than ten years of their escape, because of the tortures from their sense of guilt and consciences, they help others to strive for goodness and spend the rest of their lives on a journey washing themselves of sin and searching for atonement. In the end, under the police’s tracking, in the suffering of love and the eavesdropping of a shady landlord, they still walk out on to the execution ground. In an age of guilt and numbness, Xu Yigua writes a self-judgment on sin. In an era of darkness for humanity, she writes about the light of the soul. In an era of spiritual corruption, she writes about a type of kindness and hope that is worth trusting in. This is where the real difficulties lie in writing today. Sunspots successfully overcomes these difficulties and writes about the dignity that an ordinary life can obtain. Its spiritual path may be isolated, but Xu Yigua uses a long-lost idealistic sentiment to prove to us strongly that, no matter how dispirited the times are, the light of humanity is always there.
Xu Yigua’s novella Light Green Moon is ranked first in the Chinese Fiction Society and Annual Novel Rankings. It is about a middle class family. In the middle of the night, a thief enters the household and the strong husband gives the thief what he wants to prevent disaster. The wife is puzzled by her husband's non-resistance and feels conflicted and secretly queries the man’s courage, responsibility and heroic feelings. In the end, this spiritual vortex destroys this wonderful home.
Xu Yigua’s new work is the short story, There Will be A Fish Called Wang Xinda. Basically, the novel is made up of dialogue. The story of the matter, the pushing forward of the plot, the feelings of different people, the mood, and the intentions all rely on the fragmentation of the dialogue. It is free from the gravity of the story and full of the interest and charm of the language and symbol artistry itself.

编辑 | 罗雨静