【SPURS 艺术家】李怒:被风吹皱的昼与夜

2020年11月9日,“必要的空——此岸:OCAT南京公共艺术计划·2020”在南京栖霞区华侨城艺展中心开幕。SPURS Gallery艺术家李怒的作品《被风吹皱的昼与夜》有幸参展。该展览展出了包含李怒在内的12位艺术家的18组作品,强调此时此地的创造性认知与表达,以艺术实践重审历史遗产、传统价值与现代化进程。

SPURS Gallery

李怒《被风吹皱的昼与夜 》Time Crumpled in the Wind, 05:30

配乐鸣谢:磊落《诸神的黄昏》;Adam Hurst “Death Waltz”




在 “必要的空——此岸”(OCAT南京公共艺术计划·2020)展览上,我用夜光白漆在野山林画了一道白线,犹如时间在阅读自然时留下的注脚。在白天,它是山林被劈开的口子;在黑夜,它是浪花划破了沉寂。无论你看见或者不见,别的树叶与这些白色的树叶并无二致,它们在枝头发呆,在风里褶皱,在雨中颤栗,带着诗意的浪漫与伤感,随着季节的变奏而注定凋零和消散。


“Rather than an intervention against nature, it’s an interpretation of nature. Li Nu uses luminous white paint to draw a line, which offers a new entrance for entering forests, mountains and seasons.”

-Curator: Zhu zhu

In ‘the Necessary Emptiness – Temporality’ exhibition (OCAT Nanjing Public Art Project2020), artist Li use luminous white paint to draw a white line, a footnote left by the time while experiencing nature. In the daytime, it is a gap cut by the forest; At night it is the spray split silence. Whether you can see or not, other leaves are not that much different than those white leaves, they are dazing on the branch, folding in the wind, shriveling in the rain, it is their destiny to be wilted and vanished, with the poetic romance and sentiment.

- Li Nu

SPURS 画廊将于2021年3月13日(周六)推出艺术家李怒的全新个人展览 “Peace Piece” (一片和平),敬请期待。


Li Nu, artist, graduated with an MA in Sculpture from the Royal College of Art. Li Nu won the 2015 RBS (Royal British Society of Sculptors) Bursary Awards, and also is a member of RBS. He currently lives and works in Beijing.
