说明 Burton Watson于2017年4月1日病逝于日本,林嘉新博士特编辑Watson汉学译著一览表,以缅怀其离世。而且林嘉新还撰有“美国汉学家华兹生的汉学译介活动考论”一文,将于下期推送。敬请关注。谢谢!
序号 |
译著名 |
出版社 |
出版年份 |
1 |
《史记:第一卷》(Records of the Grand Historian of China: Translated from the Shih chi of Ssu-ma Ch’ien, Vol . 1: Early Years of the Han Dynasty , 209 to 141 B. C.) |
Columbia University Press |
1961 |
2 |
《史记:第二卷》(Records of the Grand Historian of China: Translated from the Shih chi of Ssu-ma Ch’ien, Vol . 2: The Age of Emperor Wu, 140 to circa 100 B. C.) |
Columbia University Press |
1961 |
3 |
《寒山诗100首》(Cold Mountain: 100 Poems by the T'ang poet Han-Shan) |
Grove |
1962 |
4 |
《墨子概要》(Mo Tzu: Basic Writings) |
Columbia University Press |
1963 |
5 |
《荀子概要》(Hsün Tzu: Basic Writings,) |
Columbia University Press |
1963 |
6 |
《韩非子概要》(Han Fei Tzu: Basic Writings) |
Columbia University Press |
1964 |
7 |
《庄子概要》(Chuang Tzu: Basic Writings) |
Columbia University Press |
1964 |
8 |
《宋代诗人苏东坡选集》(Su Tung-p’o : Selections from a Sung Dynasty Poet) |
Columbia University Press |
1965 |
9 |
《墨子、荀子、韩非子概要》(Basic Writings of Mo Tzu, Hsün Tzu and Han Fei Tzu) |
Columbia University Press |
1967 |
10 |
《庄子全译》(The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu) |
Columbia University Press |
1968 |
11 |
《史记选译》(Records of the Historian: Chapters from the Shih chi of Ssu-ma Ch’ien) |
Columbia University Press |
1969 |
12 |
《早期中国文学》(Early Chinese Literature) |
Columbia University Press |
1971 |
13 |
《中国抒情诗风: 公元2世纪至12世纪的诗歌》(Chinese Lyricism, Shih Poetry from the Second to the Twelfth Century) |
Columbia University Press |
1971 |
14 |
《中国赋文:从两汉到六朝》(Chinese Rhymed-Prose: Poems in the Fu Form from the Han and Six Dynasty Periods) |
Columbia University Press |
1971 |
15 |
《陆游诗选》(Lu You , The Old Man Who Does as He Pleased) |
Columbia University Press |
1973 |
16 |
《中国古代的朝臣与庶民:班固<汉书>选译》(Courtier and Commoner in Ancient China: Selections from the History of the Former Han by Pan Ku) |
Columbia University Press |
1974 |
17 |
《哥伦比亚中国诗选》(The Columbia Book of Chinese Poetry : From Early Times to the Thirteenth Century) |
Columbia University Press |
1984 |
18 |
《左传选译》(The Tso Chuan: Selections from China’s Oldest Narrative History) |
Columbia University Press |
1989 |
19 |
《苏东坡诗选》(Selected Poems of Su Tung-p’o) |
Copper Canyon Press |
1993 |
20 |
《史记: 秦朝》 (Records of the Grand Historian: Qin Dynasty) |
Columbia University Press |
1993 |
21 |
《维摩经》(The Vimalakirti Sutra) |
Columbia University Press |
1993 |
22 |
《莲花经》(The Lotus Sutra) |
Columbia University Press |
1997 |
23 |
《临济录》(The Zen Teachings of Master Lin-chi : a Translation of the Lin-chi Lu) |
Columbia University Press |
1999 |
24 |
《白居易诗选》(Po Chu-i : Selected Poems) |
Columbia University Press |
2000 |
25 |
《莲花经精华选译》(The Essential Lotus: Selections from the Lotus Sutra) |
Columbia University Press |
2001 |
26 |
《杜甫诗选》(Selected Poems of Du Fu) |
Columbia University Press |
2003 |
27 |
《陆游晚期诗歌》(Late Poems Of Lu You) |
Ahadada Books |
2007 |
28 |
《论语》(The Analects of Confucius) |
Columbia University Press |
2007 |