薪资并不能够解决员工对组织团队的“忠诚度” | 护理SCI文献解读





研究指出,员工是否对于不同薪酬类型感到满意是激励员工工作态度和行为的一个关键因素。这个时候就出现了“精神薪酬满意度”(psychological reward satisfaction)的概念。其中,De Gieter将精神薪酬定义为:对于雇员与她/他的管理者、同事和/或客户建立起来的一种专业的人际关系的积极度、支持性的、评估结果[3-5]。

本次给大家分享一篇关于“精神薪酬满意度”主题的文献:Ren, Z., Zhang, X., Sun, Y., Li, X., He, M., Shi, H., Zhao, H., Zha, S., Qiao, S., Li, Y., Pu, Y., Fan, X., Guo, X. and Liu, H. (2021), Relationships of professional identity and psychological reward satisfaction with subjective well‐being among chinese nurses. Journal of Nursing Management. Accepted Author Manuscript. 



Aims This study aimed at exploring the impact of professional identity and psychological reward satisfaction on subjective well‐being and clarifying the effect of psychological reward satisfaction on this relationship.


Background People know little about the effect of psychological reward satisfaction on the relationship between professional identity and subjective well‐being.


Methods A cross‐sectional survey was carried out on 1,009 nurses from Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province of China. Professional Identity Scale, Psychological Reward Satisfaction Scale, and General Well‐Being Schedule were used to assess professional identity, psychological reward satisfaction and subjective well‐being, respectively. Associations were explored by using structural equation modeling.


Results The subjective well‐being of 436 (43.2%) nurses was at low and moderate levels. After the adjustment of potential confounding factors, professional identity was still associated with subjective well‐being (B = 3.035, β = 0.215, P < 0.001). Professional identity (r = 0.308) and psychological reward satisfaction (r = 0.309) were positively correlated with subjective well‐being. Psychological reward satisfaction mediated the association between professional identity and subjective well‐being (Effect = 0.114, P < 0.001).

研究结果:①43.2%的护士表示主观幸福感处于中低水平;②控制混杂因素之后,职业认同与主观幸福感存在相关性(B = 3.035, β = 0.215, P < 0.001);③职业认同和精神薪酬满意度与主观幸福感呈现正相关;其中,精神薪酬满意度在职业认同和主观幸福感关系中起中介作用 (Effect = 0.114, P < 0.001)。

Conclusion This study suggested that the subjective well‐being of nurses should be improved by paying special attention to them and taking targeted support measures.


Implications for Nursing Management Nursing managers can help enhance the professional identity of nurses by organizing nursing education activities, and pay more attention to psychological reward satisfaction to improve the subjective well‐being of nurses.



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